08.08.2015 Salmon Beach, Farm work weeks 7+8

ප්‍රකාශිතයි: 03.05.2019

Weeks 7 and 8 of farm work, killer bees

It's hard to believe that the last weeks of farm work are already beginning. We will definitely miss our little cottage here. The travel planning, or at least a rough plan, has already started. We need to figure out what we want to see starting in September and what preparations we still need to make. One of the preparations is to get a roof basket (I have no idea what you would call it in Germany). It's a container for the roof of the car to store things like gas cans. We also need to come up with something for our car windows. Most backpacker cars here have proper curtains. We also need to check the fluids and spare tire of the car and more. So, we still have some things to do.

By now, the work is not as tiring as it was in the beginning. We even get praised quite often =). Our English is also improving, sometimes we can't remember the German words anymore... Last week, we went to Salmon Beach to go fishing. Even though we didn't catch anything, it was a very nice day. We also had an encounter with killer bees last week. We had to check the next field for the cows with the quad bike, and there are beehives of the farmer on that field. What we didn't know was that bees react very aggressively to carbon monoxide, and the whole army attacked us. The killer bees targeted us and chased us for over 100 meters. The result? We didn't dare to pass by the beehives anymore, Jenny got stung in the face, and Mike injured his hand. The farmer's deputy just said, 'ahhh yeah there are angry bees :-D', great, now we know.


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