
1. Travel week. 2. Travel time. Hello. Hello. Northern Germany.

شايع ٿيل: 25.09.2020

After we were stranded in MV due to the Corona pandemic, we spent the last few months in one place. At my parents' farm. Helped out there. During this time, we brought our remaining things from Rostock and now have everything stored in an apartment in a village nearby. The apartment is so cheap and beautiful that we simply consider it as a storage room+. We could live there, but we don't want to. We are still drawn to distant places.

At some point in late May, we will leave MV for my sister's wedding. And that's when our second travel time begins.

Without a plan.

We have been in the north of Germany. More specifically in Schenefeld. My sister and her husband live there. We spent a few days here. We celebrated a corona-compliant but still very beautiful wedding. For us, it was clear that we would leave afterwards. Where to? No idea. Denmark? Italy? Initially Germany.

One week at the North Sea. 01.06. - 05.06.2020

A few years ago, we stood on the beach in Romo. We liked it there. So we wanted to go there again. That's how we made our way to the North Sea. First stop Friedrichkoog. Well, it wasn't beautiful for us. We were too spoiled by the beaches, the pitches, and the sun in the south. At least we had good weather. We didn't find a pitch that met our taste. On the one hand, the pitches were overcrowded, on the other hand, they were overpriced or simply not nice. However, Wilma didn't want to drive anymore and neither did we. So we stopped in Friedrichskoog Süd in a parking lot. The dike was directly in sight. We enjoyed the evening in the motorhome. We didn't dare to sit outside because it was a normal parking lot. The night was quiet and we even slept until 9 o'clock.

It was nice. We quickly got back into our rhythm of three. We snuggled in bed. Played a 2-minute game of Ludo. Had breakfast and then made our way behind the dike.

Dike doesn't always mean water. We had already found that out on previous trips to the North Sea. But this time we were lucky. We had the North Sea right outside our door. No beach, but a large lawn that served as a substitute. And then the water. Ok, it wasn't there at the moment. But the mudflat was. Wilma initially didn't feel like the mud. But after two steps, she couldn't be stopped anymore. The three of us waded through the mudflat. Sometimes with a little water, sometimes just mud. Wilma already looked like our surroundings. Black, slippery, wet. She found one worm after another and obviously had fun. It was okay for us. Back on the grassy beach, we took a long beach shower. The stuff was hard to get off. But we were happy about the cool North Sea water, which also stimulated our circulation.

Back at the RV, we had a little surprise on the windshield. Pooosssttt. Of course, we had bought a parking ticket, but apparently it wasn't enough. We were warned. We were parked in a parking lot where parking for RVs is prohibited and additionally, parking for larger vehicles is only allowed for a maximum of 3 hours. Any indications? None! Mathias saw the traffic attendant and went after her. No conversation was possible. We didn't find any signs prohibiting parking for RVs. But we didn't want to let it spoil our day. We put the ticket away. As it's known, they are loyal pen pals and will contact us again.

Mathias bought us fresh fish for lunch. Salmon, Bismarck herring, and melon (not fish) tasted very good to us. We packed our things and continued on. Destination - Beach parking in Sankt Peter-Ording.

Wilma slept. We drove through the countryside. Really beautiful. However, we saw more and more motorhomes. It felt like all of Germany was on the North or Baltic Sea coast. Doesn't matter.

Arriving at the beach, we immediately lost 14 euros for parking. But it looked nice. We looked for a nice spot. The first one wasn't good enough. Neither was the second one, nor the third one. We were stuck. Great. We hadn't had that in a long time. We couldn't move forward or backward. Thankfully, someone immediately came to help and more helping hands quickly joined. With joint efforts, the motorhome was set free. We quickly had a car moved so that we could get back on the "road" that was drivable for us, which was made of firm sand. Mood? At rock bottom.

Found a parking spot. Now we finally went down to the water. It felt like 2 km. But it was beautiful. It was spacious. Smaller water "pools" invited us to splash around. Wilma had a lot of fun and we slowly calmed down.

In the end, it was a great day. We had dinner at the beach. Around 10 pm, we made our way to another overnight spot. Overnight stays on the beach are forbidden. Unfortunately. We drove back and forth. But parking was prohibited everywhere. In the end, we parked in a supermarket parking lot. Convenient. We had to go shopping anyway.

The night was quiet. The day started with car doors slamming open and shut. The advantage was that the bakery was right outside the door. So we had a relaxed breakfast. I went grocery shopping and Mathias and Wilma entertained themselves in the motorhome. It was a little challenge because Wilma didn't feel like sitting in the motorhome. She wanted to go to the beach. We did too, but go to the beach here again? We didn't feel like it. We wanted the all-inclusive package. Swimming and living in one place.

We set off. We had lunch somewhere in a field. Saw deer and rabbits. Wilma watched a round of Maya the Bee and we quickly cooked some noodles. Satisfied, we now set out to find a new place. We ended up right by the Eider River. Not necessarily a beach, but water. Cows right outside the door and not a car in sight and only a few people. Pure nature. We felt right at home here. And the best part, the spot was free of charge. We settled in Wollersum on the Eider River.

We had low tide again. But it didn't matter. Mud is currently very popular with daddy and child. I watched the two of them from the meadow. They alternately stomped in the mudflat and used the outdoor shower at the beach. Including ice-cold water.

Two boys joined us at the "beach". What is about to come is my personal highlight. Because the two of them meticulously collected stones from the mudflat. And kept throwing themselves into the mud. At some point, they were ready and the spectacle began - Sliding in the mudflat of the highest order. Just watching them gave us a lot of fun. I would have liked to try it too. But the fear of being cut by a sharp stone in the end was greater. The boys were nice and found it funny that we had so much fun watching them.

After being entertained, we took a shower. Wilma and I took a walk on the dike before having a cozy dinner. We were even able to eat outside. Later it started to thunderstorm and rain.

We stayed at our beautiful spot for another day. It was pouring rain, but that didn't bother us. We walked in the rain. Watched the cows. Watched two boys fishing and were simply content.

We read and played in the motorhome. Watched a few short films and had a super relaxed day.

Wollersum has given us so much that we decide to go to Italy.

But before that, we will go through Germany and Austria via Berlin.



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