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Onward to Bosnia and Herzegovina

The beautiful river landscape of Mreznica

Travel to Bosnia

From Blackberry Hedges & Heat

BOSNIA - Random Favorite

In Bosnia... we were immediately shown the tradition with which the half-naked young men earn some e...

Tag 54 bis 57 Sandpyramiden, Entscheidung und Gewitter 🌩

The road was narrow, but luckily there was a construction site right at the beginning and traffic wa...

2. - 5.9.2022 - Mostar

Katja and Volker in Mostar

29. -31.8.2022 - Banja Luka

Katja and Volker in Banja Luka

Mostar / Bosnia and Herzegovina

The bridge was built by the Ottomans in the 16th century and connects the eastern and western parts ...

2 nights in Blagaj - Mostar and Derwish House

Trapped between good food, Bosnian coffee and techno.. oh and tourists too

Kravica Waterfalls and a night in the desert of Bosnia

Where entering is forbidden in Germany, a paradise for big children has emerged in Bosnia. Under/beh...

Blindinje Nature Park - a night by the lake

A beautiful and impressive day in the Nature Park and a paddleboarding trip on the lake surrounded b...

2 days in Sarajevo

Delicious food, great views, and 40 degrees in the shade...

Lake House walk and a 'little' crafting session

Mini waterfalls at the Lake House and a day in the heart of Bobby