10 Tage von Trondheim nach Bergen
10 Tage von Trondheim nach Bergen

Sunday 11th September 2016

Since I already had to pack my luggage completely for returning the car, I don't have much to do today before leaving the apartment. I'm curious to see if anyone protests against my large bag with the wool blanket from Ålesund, which still contains the blanket with the elk from Flam and the coffee cup with the colorful houses from Bergen...

I have to leave my apartment at 11:00, but I can leave my luggage in the entrance under the counter, because the entry code for the main door still works, I just have to drop the key card for the hallway and the apartment in a mailbox and check out. I walk down my street on the left and after 5 minutes I'm at the Fløien funicular and take the 11:15 trip up to the mountain peak Fløien.

Floien funicular
Floien funicular
Floien funicular
Floien funicular

The view clears relatively quickly, but there is a cold wind blowing. I take shelter in one of the snack booths where the sun occasionally shines, until the first burst of rain arrives.

View of Bergen
View of Bergen
View of Bergen

Gradually, many families arrive here because there is also a large playground here. The view of Bergen is really great, although Bergen itself does not have such a dramatic or remarkable silhouette as, for example, Ålesund. I treat myself to a hot cocoa and a cinnamon bun and sit here comfortably until about 13:00, then take the funicular back down and shortly afterwards take another round with the sightseeing bus.


Today, I don't feel like walking around much anymore. Everything is packed in my backpack and it's quite heavy, and I already saw a lot yesterday. The sightseeing tour actually offers a few other spots than yesterday. It was once again the last tour of the day, which is why they might drive a bit faster and skip a few corners. I'm back in the city shortly after 14:00 and sit in the sun with an ice cream, watching the hustle and bustle in Bryggen and the colorful houses in the sun. It has become really warm and the sun is shining.


The airport bus is just around the corner and at 16:00 I pick up my suitcase and the bag with the blankets from the apartment building and take the bus to the airport. Since I want to get the tax refund for the blankets, I came with plenty of "leeway" because the flight doesn't leave until shortly after 19:00. But the officer at the tax refund office is quick and friendly, stamps my receipts and I go through security, because only there - in the duty free area - can the tax refund be initiated in a bookstore.

I quickly buy a sandwich and a bottle of water and then it's back to Berlin. Flight time from Bergen to Schönefeld is 1:40, which calls for repetition, because that's really a hop, skip, and jump, and with Norwegian for 65 EUR it's really an option for a weekend trip.

I'm home shortly after 22:00. The 10 days went by really quickly. Next time, however, I would like to continue further north for another week. Norway - I'll be back!


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