Neuer Kammerchor around the World
Neuer Kammerchor around the World

सार्डिनिया दिवसः ११ - गृहं गच्छन् मार्गे

प्रकाशित: 04.06.2023

At 4 o'clock in the morning we packed the buses and set off for Olbia. Now it was time to say goodbye. One last time, the few who were awake could admire the mountainous and densely wooded landscape of Sardinia, which was shrouded in dense fog at this early hour. On the almost empty roads, we reached the airport after only about an hour and a half drive and could enjoy a coffee or eat the breakfast provided by the hotel.

With a little delay, the flight took off at 8:30 a.m. and after just over an hour we landed safely on Swiss soil. now we are sitting in the bus and driving from Zurich back to Heidenheim, where our families are waiting for us.

So this concert tour is coming to an end. The last eleven days have been very impressive and eventful, but they have also demanded a lot of energy from us. We have learned a lot about the country and its people, have experienced hospitality and admired beautiful, untouched nature. We all fell in love with the Mediterranean flair! The workshops and joint concerts with the other choirs were a great experience and showed us how music connects us despite the language barrier.

A beautiful trip like this would not have been possible without our organizing talent Sylvia Lohse and we could be sure that the trip would be a great success and would leave us with good memories for a long time. Thank you very much for your tireless dedication! Many thanks also to Daniela Burkart, who always had an open ear, took care of any ailments and shone with sufficient background knowledge at every sightseeing stop. A heartfelt thanks also goes to our pianist Alwina Meissner, who accompanied our concerts sensational on the piano, always had valuable feedback and also provided good mood. A big thank you also goes to the Bergamasco family, who accompanied us on our journey and were wonderfully helpful in German-Italian communication. Without them, we would have been pretty much lost. Last but not least, a heartfelt thank you to Thomas Kammel, who mastered every concert with us and brought out the best in us musically. And of course, he regularly took out his camera to capture us on this beautiful island.

From our side, except for 25 singers who got sick for a while and a certain tenor who forgot his concert trousers at home, the trip was a success throughout! But probably we won't feel like having pizza for a while ;)

Grazie mille for this wonderful concert tour!



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