Sawadee ka

Now my holidays in Pai are already a while back, today I'm already packing again - Bangkok is calling tomorrow!

Pai is beautiful, not much has changed since the last time I was there 15 years ago. It's a pretty mountain 'village' north of Chiang Mai, in the midst of a valley with only 2000 inhabitants. Pai is popular for its good climate (cool), nature, and trekking to the hill tribes. But Marc and I were of the same opinion - we won't go on a tourist excursion, we'll enjoy ourselves and the nice little village quietly. So we sat for hours at lunch or by the river, talked about Buddha and the world, of course visited the plastic shop (best ever seen🤣) and climbed the 1200 steps up the stairs to Mister B (Buddha). What a special place, wow! It was wonderful, fun days with Marc-a person who understands me without words😍 After freezing for 3 evenings and nights (had to even buy long pajamas!), unfortunately, I got sick and spent 2 days with a fever in bed in Pai, what a sh...and that during the holidays from the holidays! The journey home was accordingly exhausting, I was so happy to be in warm Lanta. But it rained for 5 days and the weather went crazy afterwards too! The journey home, as well as the temperature shock, was probably too much for my body, so it threw me back into bed on Lanta🤒

Someone else thinks there is no climate change! On Lanta, it should be the dry season (without rain) since October/November, but guess what...we have had rain often and a lot until mid-December. There have been terrible floods in southern Thailand, unfortunately, you don't hear about it in the news, because they are not well-known places like Phuket or Koh Samui🤔 More than 200 people died😢 A friend of mine, Chad, asked for support and organized a donation evening, which I participated in. Thanks also to Nina for the generous donation, he is extremely grateful!😍😍😍!

After 15 days without Muay Thai, after the first training session, I felt like a person who hasn't done any sports for years, hahaha...Now I'm fit again and the next week is a break again...I still enjoy the training a lot, it's a daily challenge and now I even get compliments from my trainers, yay...I'm no longer a beginner, wow and that after 3 months, finally! It sounds so easy, looks easy too, but poah hey, doing it daily at 36 friends who are coming to visit me in the next few months are allowed/forced to come with me two or three times, then I can laugh😄 now there are 3 fights per week on Lanta during the high season, but I only go to one stadium now, because the other one doesn't play fair cards, if you know what I mean...I boycott it, although I would like to see my trainers fight there. Tonight I will watch 2 fights again, where I know the fighters.

I'm on the lookout with open eyes and ears - looking for work and an apartment, but it's not urgent yet, I only got my new 3-month visa this week👌 But I should slowly decide what I want to do from thing is clear: I will definitely stay on Lanta for a long time...

Last week we had a BBQ at home and another Pre Xmas Drink Night at a bar, with many people who are staying here longer, I have met many nice people.

Job 2 Do...An older Thai man who sings Thai Reggae...I love it! The festival and concert were great, always happy to go💚💛❤

Yesterday I had a children's afternoon, that warmed my heart😍 The kids speak Thai - I speak English, but with body language, everything is possible. We drew, danced, played, and of course secretly ate ice cream😄 I miss the time with children tremendously, I hope that from mid-January I can participate in the Kids Club for 'poor' children on the neighboring island once a week🤘

Otherwise, everyday life has taken hold, training, watering plants, sweeping the balcony and emptying ashtrays (my daily, heavy tasks😎), enjoying Cannon, doing laundry, shopping, relaxing, swimming, meeting people, Netflixing, sleeping, and of course enjoying the delicious Thai cuisine...

Tomorrow afternoon we're off to Bangkok, ole ole ole...Before Peter from Switzerland arrives on Wednesday, I still have to go to the hairdresser and buy new boxing gloves, then Peter's wishes are my command😎 We'll stay in BKK until Saturday evening, then we'll go home to Lanta where I'm incredibly excited to show him everything and we can enjoy many great moments together!

In this sense, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, enjoy being together, the delicious food, the gifts, and everything that goes with it. Of course, also a Happy New Year, lots of love, sunshine, happiness, contentment, and good health in 2018!

See you next year, with love, Daniela

उत्तरम्‌ (2)

Love Love Love, so wunderbar - ❤️❤️❤️ Nini

@nina: kapunka! Soon you will be with me in my paradise...cant wait😍😍😍

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