Mein Auslandssemester in Singapur
Mein Auslandssemester in Singapur

15/10 - Mac Ritchie Reserve

प्रकाशित: 16.10.2016

On Saturday morning, I went for a hike in Mac Ritchie Reserve with my Couchsurfing friends.

European girls in Singapore
European girls in Singapore

In contrast to the 'man-made' botanical garden, the reserve is mostly untouched nature.

Hiking trail
Hiking trail

Our first destination was an observation tower that took our breath away not only with its many steps, but also with the breathtaking view of the 'jungle'.

View of the
View of the 'jungle'

Afterwards, we continued to the TreeTopWalk, an impressive suspension bridge in the treetops.

Tree Top Walk
Tree Top Walk

Our hiking group
Our hiking group

The trail led us up and down many steps and slopes, and in the end we were all exhausted and sweaty. However, the effort was definitely worth it. On the last section, just when we were about to give up hope, we even saw some monkeys.

Monkeys in the wild
Monkeys in the wild

And in the last few hundred meters, we also encountered some big and small lizards and other animals, making it almost too adventurous for me and Anne-Marie - you know me ;-)


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