The Comeback

प्रकाशित: 06.12.2016

This title is twice correct. It represents both the first entry in weeks and my imminent return to Potato Land.

First of all, I would like to apologize for the long absence. Considering the high quality of my entries, this unique blend of humor and knowledge transfer, I can imagine how boring your past Mondays must have been. But I can solemnly announce: That has come to an end (even if it's already Tuesday for you).

But I want to be honest. Something has kept me from writing in the past few weeks. And with that, I also want to dispel the prejudice that (private) students would only chill their lives. We do that too, but there are times in the semester when this process is severely disturbed. And that time had come in the past few weeks. A business plan here, a 2500-word paper there, editing a film over there. Often, the nerves were put to the test, which, I have to admit, may also be due to the fact that I may have started too late.

But hey, I managed to finish everything on time and I think I didn't do too badly either. Efficiency and effectiveness are the keywords. These two virtues were best demonstrated in our business plan group. Six guys whose only ambition was to pass. What else should be my goal in a course that requires three (!) years of management experience in the course outline?

However... Two days before the presentation that my roommate Constantin and I gave, we actually met for the first time. But anyone who now thinks of a failure as a result couldn't be further from the truth. With a shirt and a suit jacket, we made a good objective impression before we unleashed our fireworks of facts on the audience. The result was a proud 82% - everything done right. Obviously, we are born entrepreneurs.

We handled the written part in a similar manner in line with the motto "never change a running system" and hope for a similar result.

The last project was completed on Saturday afternoon. Overwhelmed with suddenly abundant free time, we actually used it to do the household chores. Seriously. However, it was also desperately needed, even I saw that. In the evening, we went from Oxy to Palace. Yesterday morning, it started with a round of Hearthstone against the good old Schlawiner Jan Paul. I had to listen to his taunting laughter over Skype as he destroyed me with his Legendary deck funded by tips and shady dealings. But enough of the nerd talk. Last night, there was a fun and festive mulled wine evening at a friend's place from Stuttgart. This morning, we had a delicious breakfast at Gabriel's Café, of which I have also attached a picture. Pancakes with apples in raspberry sauce, enriched with syrup and cream - a dream. If you ever find yourself in Nanaimo, you should definitely visit Gabriel's (but Oxy should be top priority).

Tomorrow, I will be going to Tofino for two days, hopefully a beautiful spot on the other side of the island. Afterwards, there will of course be another blog entry where I will ramble on about my adventures and crusades. You know how it goes.

Until then, keep your ears stiff!

Your Felix.

उत्तरम्‌ (1)

Das würde aber auch Zeit 😊! Schön, wenn der Tag so amüsant und unterhaltend beginnt...


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