Back to Toronto and flight to Halifax

प्रकाशित: 19.12.2018

After our road trip, we spent a few more days in Toronto. We mainly walked around the city again, exploring some areas we hadn't been to before.

On our last day in Toronto, we noticed that many people were wearing Blue Jays gear, the baseball team of Toronto (which is also the only true professional team in Canada and therefore plays in the US baseball league). We spontaneously walked to the stadium, asked for the cheapest tickets, and bought two tickets for the Blue Jays game in the afternoon. To fit in, we also bought merchandising items, a sweater for Jil and a baseball cap for me. We spent the waiting time in a cafe, trying to understand the rules of baseball, as we both had no idea how the game actually works :D

The actual game was really interesting, and over time we started to understand it better, it was long enough after all... After two hours, we left early because our flight the next morning was quite early. Besides, two hours was enough of an experience ;)

The next morning at 4 o'clock, it was time to get up, take the bus and train to the airport, and fly to Halifax for the second part of our little vacation :)


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