Feeling now at the end

प्रकाशित: 08.06.2018

Today I still have 3 weeks and 2 days left here. I still can't believe it's almost over. All the highlights of the year have been checked off, I have to think about packing my suitcase and my flight and soon say goodbye to everyone.

To be honest, I don't want to leave. I love my life here so much and the thought of never seeing most of them again is incredibly painful. It will never be the same as it is now. I will never sit at the lunch table with the same people again, we will never go to the cinema on Tuesdays again, we will never play cards at Dairy Queen again. Even if I visit Canada, it will never be the same because my international friends won't be there. I will never live here again.

This year I met so many good people that I don't want to live without anymore. These friendships here go so much deeper than a holiday acquaintance because we had a life together. After this year, we will all be scattered all over the world again. And as much as I wish for it, I will never see some of them again. Especially those who live far away: Korea, Brazil are the worst examples. But meeting friends in Switzerland, Italy, Austria or even Germany will be complicated. While one only lives two hours away in Hamburg, the next one lives at the other end of Germany. It will be hard, but I feel like I can make it with some friends, somehow. I even have plans with some of them, which gives me courage.

Now I'm just trying to enjoy the last few weeks as much as possible and not think about the farewell. I don't have any other choice.

When I think about it now, this will be the last post I write from Canada. Well, the next one will be when I'm back in Germany. My plan for this blog is not yet clear. Maybe I'll just use it as a normal travel blog, so stay tuned.

See you later, Elli


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