El ChaltΓ©n or El Calafate

Byatangajwe: 06.01.2018

Hello boys and girls 😜

Our journey through Patagonia started in the small village of El ChaltΓ©n. A charming village with beautiful houses and landscapes that remind me a bit of Iceland πŸ‘πŸ”

Our first hiking tour led us to the 'Laguna de los tres'. On the way, we experienced all 4 seasons πŸ™ˆπŸ˜ first we sweated in the sun πŸ˜… then a strong wind πŸ’¨ came up and finally we had to tackle the steep mountain wall covered in snow and wind πŸŒ¬πŸŒ¨β˜ƒοΈπŸ™ˆ Yes, it wasn't easy but we were as determined as young mountain goats πŸ§—β€β™€οΈπŸ˜œ Unfortunately, the mountain Fitz Roy (also known as 'the Smoking Mountain' πŸ”πŸŒ«πŸ˜œ) didn't want to show its sunny side to us πŸ€— After those 10 kilometers, we made our way back with Patrick, our mountain guide, and yes, we got a bit lost πŸ—ΊπŸ€”πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ We ended up in the rain, which we already had, πŸŒ§πŸ™ˆ and had to crawl back the 2-days hike πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™ƒ 30 km and 2 blisters later πŸ™ˆπŸ˜… After a well-deserved plate of spaghetti and a glass of wine 🍝🍷😜

The next day we only hiked 20 km to the 'Loma del Pliegue Tumbado' where we had a beautiful view of the mountain 'Cerro Torre' πŸ”πŸ˜

After 2 days, we took the bus to El Calafate πŸšŒπŸ’¨ There we had to deal with the touristy side and rented a car 🀨 Yes, we are back on the tourist bus today πŸ˜’πŸ‘πŸ»πŸšŒπŸ™ƒ At least the problem of 'who drives' is solved πŸ˜‚πŸ·

Then we went to see the 'Perito Moreno' glacier, how it crackles and groans, and icebergs fall into the water 😳 It was an awe-inspiring experience that we will never forget 😍

Later, we went on a 4x4 bus to Torres del Paine National Park πŸ•πŸ”πŸ˜Ž Yes, the wait at the border for the stamp 🚧 wasn't exactly the highlight πŸ™ˆ but the park itself was very impressive and beautiful πŸ•πŸ”πŸ˜Ž

See you soon, my boys and girls 😘


Raporo yingendo Arijantine