Thurids KEAdventure
Thurids KEAdventure

A (final) day in Kaikoura

Byatangajwe: 23.02.2019

Shortly after waking up, I felt it - headache, stuffy throat, and my joints were also aching. In other words, I was sick. And I mean really sick.

I have no idea where this came from so quickly and suddenly, because yesterday I was still climbing mountains. But today I had to sit down even to brush my teeth.

This promised to be a great day...

On the bus ride, I also started feeling nauseous because the road serpentines along the coast with large differences in altitude.
I only had one place on my list and that was Kaikoura.

In Kaikoura, everything revolves around maritime life: nowhere else in New Zealand can you safely swim with dolphins, observe whales either from a boat or from the air, or go kayaking with seals.
With so many options, it was hard for me to decide. In the end, I chose whale watching by plane. I had already seen enough dolphins and seals, but a short flight with whales...?

But let me spoil it - it never happened.

On the way, we could already see how more and more dark clouds gathered in the sky and whether any tours would take place was uncertain.

First, as a large bus group (I love that), we did the hiking trails around the peninsula. It was already really exhausting and worrying for me.
But the views from the cliffs (is there a plural of cliff?) were impressive, especially with the clouds in the background.
Along the coast, you could get very close to seals and seabird colonies, so there is no need to book a tour. One seal is even known to pose for tourists.

On the way, I called the whale watching agency to confirm or cancel the flight. But then there was a second problem: I was the only person for the flight at that time on that day, but there had to be at least two people. And there was no realistic way for me to get to the airport 8km away quickly for an earlier flight.
At that point, it was already clear that the flight would be canceled.
Although the lady said she would contact me if she found more people, in the end, the weather made the final decision.

Initially, it was just drizzling, so I could take a short walk through Kaikoura. But because it already exhausted me as if I had climbed a 1000m mountain, I quickly returned to the hostel.

Five minutes later, it started pouring rain.

What a pity.

Kaikoura is a nice little town, everything revolves around marine life and they have integrated it into the city: street art, bike stands in the shape of whales, and dolphins on the pavement (stone tiles in the shape of dolphins).
I would have liked to stay longer, and Kaikoura will definitely be added to the list of things I would like to do again in New Zealand. On the one hand, my energy levels didn't allow it (I have never felt so bad before) and the weather... well...

But - my journey is coming to an end.

Well, not really. I still have another four months in New Zealand before my flight, but tomorrow I'm only traveling to Wellington (a lot of bus rides) and there I will quickly look for a job. I haven't decided at all where and what. Something that sounds good, where I earn a lot of money without having to work too much and also have fun. The perfect job.


Of course!

I have traveled through New Zealand for almost 3 months, about two of them on the South Island. I have experienced so much, seen so much, done so much. Had great times and very bad ones, had fun, got frustrated, but in the end, I am very satisfied with myself.
I just had to say that.

But now I'm tired of traveling. The illness also adds to it, and I'm simply exhausted. I want to settle somewhere for about 2 months, establish a routine - live!
Not on the go, not from my backpack.

I'm looking forward to that.

Unfortunately, there won't be much to report then; next time, I will probably only reach out when I have found a job.
But I have already made up my mind not to let the blog fall asleep! I still have so much to tell...


Raporo yingendo Nouvelle-Zélande