
Caesarea Philippi, Banias Springs, Golan Heights

Byatangajwe: 25.05.2019

Hello my dear ones, like every morning we started today at 8:00 sharp heading north to the Golan Heights. Our tour took us through the Hula Valley up to the Banias Springs, an ancient site formerly known as Caesarea Philippi. The place is situated at the foot of Mount Hermon at the northern end of the Golan Heights. Banias is the easternmost of the three source streams of the Jordan River. Here we took an almost two-hour hike through the Banias Nature Reserve. It was wonderful, the temperatures were pleasant after the heat of the past few days. After the hike, we continued towards the Golan, had our lunch break with the Druze, and then drove to a viewpoint on the high plateau near the border area with Syria. Damascus is only 60 km away from there. Tomorrow we will be heading to Jerusalem along the Mediterranean coast.

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