Trips mit Travis
Trips mit Travis

Travis in Malapascua (Logon)

Опубликовано: 24.11.2023


Today is Friday. We arrived here on Tuesday. And my oldest has already told you that the two of them were a bit frightened at first because of the super loud music from the folk festival and thought that they had to move out again straight away. But now we have settled in quite well here.

Sea and beach right in front of the hotel

If there are several hotels and restaurants close to each other, this has the advantage of a large selection.

Filipino “tapas”

And what helps me relax is that there is no pool here. Therefore, they cannot do any “Travis underwater tests” for the time being. There's time too, I think.

But here we can see how the sun rises from the southern tip of the island and also how it sets again on the opposite side. That's practical.

Watch the sunset
It's nice.

When my older ones went to see the thresher sharks, it was really early. I was basically still asleep then. It was so early that they could see the sun coming up from the boat. And this is already happening here at quarter to six!

The early bird sees the shark

They actually met the sharks too. Really elegant with her size and long tail. In one photo I find the shark very likable.

Thresher shark

However, they also said that there were strange (human) figures under the water at this shark diving site. And overall, far too many people at once. My oldest said that if she were a shark, she wouldn't be able to go there soon.

But as far as the strange figures are concerned, here you can see some of them:

Attached to the buddy's octopus

I did a little more diving and learned that everyone has two things like that where the air comes out. They are called regulators. And the yellow one has a safety function: if the buddy, i.e. the diving partner, runs out of air, he quickly gets the buddy's yellow "octopus" and they basically share the air from just one bottle. And then of course you show up very soon because it's just a makeshift solution. Just like a spare tire on a car. My oldest took a photo of the two divers in the picture because they had been swimming around for a while and showed no signs of surfacing. Instead, they continued to look for sharks. Very strange...

Meanwhile, I also took care of security. Since my older ones are always sailing on these outrigger boats, I thought I'd take a closer look at one or two of them.

A small one, a bit older...
...and a bigger one

So, I think it's ok for them to travel with it. Even though today they probably had to use their submersible to tow another one. Engine damage. Like broken cars - tow rope and stuff. Just no hazard lights. You probably don't need it on the water.

My older ones had some other nice dives - or so they said. Today, for example, on Gato Island. There were some nice photos again. I always get a little curious.

Glass fish on gorgonian

Of course, slugs also have children. So to speak. And guess what, most of them can be male or female depending on your needs. I would like to try that too.

In any case, they then lay eggs in very artistic structures like this:

Eggs of a slug

But when I saw the next picture, I had to think about it again. Look, a poisonous sea snake:

sea serpent

But my older ones calmed me down and told me that they always move away very quickly and are not aggressive at all. I hope the sea serpents know this too.

Oh, by the way, my oldest had already said something about why the island here is called "Malapascua" and that the Spanish gave it that name - bad Easter and all that, you remember. But of course other people have lived here for a long time before the Spanish. And they still call the island Logon today. Hence the title above this post.

Well, now I have to get some sleep. When my older ones get up so early in the morning, I usually wake up too and then I can't go back to sleep all alone in the room. I always have to wait until they come back. But luckily it doesn't start until 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. Sleep in... 😇

See you soon and greetings from Travis, the buddy bear (a buddy with enough air and therefore without an octopus 😉)


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