Day 40 Off the Road

Опубликовано: 20.05.2017

Today it's time to leave Etosha National Park again. Our journey continues west, slowly towards the Namib Desert. That also means we're leaving the paved roads and now driving on sandy, gravel, bumpy roads.

From now on, we have to drive even more carefully to avoid hitting every pothole. The risk of accidents also increases on these roads, which we saw a few times on the roadside.

A highlight of today's drive was crossing a small pass. The view at the top of the pass was breathtaking.

The destination for today was Palmwag. A small town, or so we thought. When we arrived in Palmwag, we realized that this place consists only of a lodge with a campsite. We didn't find a town or even a village. But that wasn't a problem, all we needed was a campsite.

We had seen about 15 cars throughout the day, so we thought we would have no problem finding a spot on the campsite. We did have a spot, but it was quite busy. I hadn't expected that.

And then you also have to fight over lunch. After the long drive, we made sandwiches for lunch. Just as I stepped away from my sandwich to get a drink, a thief tried to take my lunch away.

After lunch, we took a short self-game drive in a nearby game reserve. The reception said that lions and hyenas were spotted this morning.

Unfortunately, we didn't have much luck. Besides a few mountain zebras, we didn't see any animals.

But the landscape made up for it, so we simply enjoyed that.


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