
Alternatives to Amsterdam - my first day in Copenhagen

Опубликовано: 02.08.2017

Hello my friend!
First of all, I owe you an apology! I'm sorry that it's been so long since the last update, but something happened that completely changed my plans. You'll find out more about it in the next report, which you won't have to wait long for - I promise.
But now let's talk about Copenhagen.
After I left the Flixbus, I went into the train station to take care of my tickets. I was hoping to find super friendly staff who could help me and show me the way, but the reality was different. The whole station was filled with several red machines, so I had to give up on the idea of having a nice conversation and started dealing with the machine. It shouldn't have been a problem, but as soon as I inserted my credit card, it displayed "Invalid currency" and the transaction was cancelled. Then I looked for a machine that accepted cash. I found one with 12 machines to choose from, selected everything, went to pay, inserted my coins - and the machine spit them back out. My subsequent attempts also failed. So I decided to mooch off McDonald's Wi-Fi to download the app for public transportation and buy my ticket there. I did just that - I was about to make the payment when the app asked me to enter my phone number and said it would send me a code via SMS for the payment. No problem, I typed in my phone number, and I was happy that I would soon have my ticket without having to deal with the machines. But after 5 minutes, when I still hadn't received a code, my joy quickly vanished. I tried again - still no code. (In case you're thinking that I might have entered the wrong area code - no, I did everything correctly) With the impression that Copenhagen simply didn't want me there, I went back to the machines. No change - with the credit card it said "Invalid currency," and the coins were spit back out. Then I decided to give it one last try, otherwise I would ask a Dane to get a ticket for me and I would give them the money in cash. I held my coins in my hand, mentally pleading with the machine to accept these incredibly attractive banknotes, and inserted the coins - anticipation - anticipation - wooohoooo - the machine kept my coins and I got my ticket. Downloading the app wasn't completely pointless, because it quickly helped me find out which bus I had to take. Feeling relieved, I got on the next bus and got off after two stops. The hostel was not easy to find, but after a more or less long walk, I finally found it. The Downtown Copenhagen Hostel is really downtown and incredibly cool. I checked in and finally received some good news. Normally, I would have had to wait until 2 p.m. to go to my room, but luckily my room was already ready and I could check in much earlier. I quickly took a shower (the hostel has showers in the hallway, not in the rooms), got ready, picked something out, made a secret phone call, and then took the bus again. I'll tell you tomorrow where I went, who I called, and what happened. But let me just say this: hold on tight, it might shock you.
From there, I decided once again to intentionally get lost and blindly got on a bus. When it stopped after passing a colorful cool place that reminded me of Mauerpark in Berlin, and my very attractive seat neighbor got off there, I followed him. I spontaneously started a conversation with him, because I had absolutely no idea what was going on there, and that's how we got talking. The good young man told me that it was Christiania, a so-called Free Town in the middle of Copenhagen. They only follow the laws set by the residents of Christiania, which is why Christiania is the number one place for selling marijuana. He advised me to keep my phone in my pocket, because people don't like being photographed, but other than that, I could walk around carefree and let it all sink in. So that's what I did, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw how marijuana was being sold there. Apart from that, you could also buy other things like jewelry and clothes, and everything was pretty colorful and alternative. I'm super glad that I went there, because it allowed me to see something completely new again.
But when I had enough of the alternative life, I left the city and continued walking through Copenhagen until I reached the harbor and the Street Food Market. In the large hall, I got some food and sat down comfortably on one of the many sun loungers outside. Eventually, dark clouds appeared, so I decided to head back to the hostel. However, I wasn't fast enough, and as a result, I arrived at the hostel soaking wet quite a while later. There, I met my new roommates. 3 girls aged 23-25 from America. After chatting briefly, they asked if I wanted to join them for dinner - but since I was still wet, had just eaten, and was pretty exhausted from the day, I politely declined, and the girls went without me. I changed clothes, planned to quickly lie down on the bed and then go down to the bar, but without noticing, I fell asleep very quickly and only woke up when the girls returned. Since we all arrived on the same day, we decided to skip partying and instead exchange stories and went to bed relatively early.

So, not much happened, but it was still a nice day, and Christiania in particular really impressed me!

See you soon, chica/chico!


#kopenhagen#copenhagen#downtownhostelcph#interflix#backpacking#backpacker#flixbus#erfahrungen#street food market