
9 - Cairns

Publicado: 29.04.2018

After a week in the Outback, Cairns seems almost crowded for the first few days.

After meeting approximately 3.4 other people last week, two of whom were simply oncoming drivers, there is plenty to observe here again.

But Cairns is not really big either.. like in Darwin, strips of suburbs stretch in all directions, but the city itself is relatively small.

That's even better, you can explore better on foot!

Most of the shops are either Asian restaurants, nail studios or waxing shops, but the city still manages to maintain its own charm.

The almost alternative look of the city probably comes from the considerable number of old hippies and backpackers who pilgrim from café to second-hand bookstore and then to the next café in self-made shirts and trousers.

For me, the job search starts again and unfortunately it becomes clear after a few minutes: there is hardly any work here either.

All the stories about starting fruit seasons, bar jobs and the like, which stubbornly persisted and were spread in the Northern Territory - false and made up!

But the hostel compensates for it, a really small family-run business, which is relatively small and offers little comfort, but impresses with its warmth.

Speaking of small, that's an adjective that also applies to the aquarium located in the city centre.

Despite that, there were many interesting fish and reptiles to admire, special highlight: everything that finds its home here in the tropical house is also typical for Queensland.

(I find it less exciting that so many spiders were exhibited..)

But what was particularly exciting was seeing the fish and sharks in the tank again, which I had just a few weeks ago fiddled out of the net myself.

The Pajero has also been restored, the traces of the Outback only visible on the outside, now it's time to enjoy the lower temperatures and wait for a response from one of the many potential employers.

If nothing happens soon, we will continue south, where the strawberry season is just starting.

But first, let's enjoy Cairns!

Barbecues in a convivial round on the promenade, beach volleyball on the beach or at the places on the waterfront, strolling in the mall or visiting the local cinema for the new Avenger movie - Cairns really keeps you busy.

If there is nothing going on, you can sit down on the promenade at any time and simply observe the local birds, which either stand out due to their large numbers or impressive voices.

Whereas in the NT, bats and the like adorned the treetops every evening, here it is parakeets and occasionally even parrot-like birds.

And then the time has finally come!

Job offer in Mission Beach, again a banana farm, but this time probably without humping.

(That's what the Aussie calls carrying saplings, sounds cuter.)

Hostel with a 20m pool, 500m to the beach, near waterfalls and rainforest - it sounds almost too good to be true.

We're starting tomorrow!
