
Tag 39. On the Trail of the Trolls

Publicado: 11.07.2017

Hello everyone,

today we are on the trail of the trolls. But first, we wake up to the best weather and head towards the Atlantic Road. Of course, the whole time we have bad weather, and then, when we actually want bad weather...the Atlantic Road is supposed to be really amazing in bad weather...nothing. In good weather, well, it's just a road that crosses several bridges to the mainland.

After that, we continue to the area that has accompanied us the whole time in Norway, the home of the trolls.

Trolls, you can't escape this topic in Norway. They are everywhere, really everywhere.

And today we are going to the Trollstigen, a serpentine road from a fjord up the mountains. The Norwegians say it's one of the most beautiful roads in the country, and we have to agree with them. At the top, a small path leads to an observation platform, from where you can look down into the valley.

Of course, a souvenir shop and a café are a must. Even up here, thousands of tourists are brought up by tour buses from cruise ships anchored in the fjord below.

After a waffle and a coffee, we continue.

On the way down, we had to stop at a narrow passage. Nothing was moving until a nervous RV owner decided to drive 2 meters further, and that slowly resolved the whole traffic jam.

Our overnight parking spot is in Lillehammer, right by the Olympic ski jump, which we will also climb. You can almost go all the way up. Only the ski jump take off is actually closed to the public. But if you happen to stumble and accidentally fall over the barricade, you can go all the way up to the top of the ski jump and enjoy the wonderful view.

After descending, we enjoy the sunset. Yes, you heard right...sunset!!! Today was the first day when it actually got dark again.

Well then, it's time for bed!

So, see you tomorrow...

Kutichiy (2)

Super schöne Reiseberichte die ihr da abliefert. Schaue jeden Tag rein um nichts zu verpassen. ;-) genießt die Zeit

Ich schließe mich Jürgen an. Und die Fotos..... Sooooo schön! Wie mag das wohl aussehen, wenn man es hautnah erlebt!!!!!!
