
From Jakarta to Yogyakarta

Publicado: 01.06.2018

Hello Indonesia

We landed in Jakarta and immediately went to our hostel, which was located in the most untouristy neighborhood in Jakarta. Unfortunately, there was a terrorist attack a few days ago, and you could feel the tense atmosphere. Our hostel girls didn't let us out after 10:00 PM. :) Angi had to go to the hairdresser, which turned out to be a very funny experience. From the outside, it looked like a small horse box, and inside there was a man with his whisky, looking at us as if to say, "What are you doing here?" The hairdresser herself was completely overwhelmed when she had to shave our hair. After half an hour and 5 selfies with us, the miracle was finally accomplished. The next day, we took the train to Bandung. Originally, we planned to stay there for 2 days, but unfortunately, our accommodation was very dirty, including a giant beetle in the bathroom, and the city was completely affected by Ramadan (no food, etc.), so the next morning at 5 o'clock, we took the first train to Yogyakarta. The train ride itself is already a scenic highlight.

The city of Yogyakarta is a little highlight in itself. All the people are super friendly and constantly smiling at you. Our hostel was great, the hostel guy Tommy was great. Tommy is all you need. He takes care of everything :) We rented a scooter and drove through the city, passing by the Sultan's Palace, Watercastle, and shopping streets. But we white tourists were the actual attraction. Everyone wanted a selfie with us :) We have even considered handing out autograph cards or setting up a hat, as we have given about 20 interviews :) We liked it so much there that we extended our stay for one more night :)

Kutichiy (1)

Sind doch schöne Erlebnisse :) Frische Kokosnuss und kleine Fledermäuse D)

Indonesia suyu
Viaje willakuy Indonesia suyu