
The Baltic States

Publicado: 19.07.2016

Two days have passed since our last blog post, during which we were able to cover 800 km. At first, it may not sound like much, but considering that it took us 8 hours on Monday to travel from Gdansk to Ełk, which corresponds to an average speed of 42 km/h, it becomes apparent how nerve-wracking this route was for the three of us. This is probably because the Poles are unfamiliar with the term 'bypass road,' and we had to drive through every small village (even smaller than Happerschoß). The word 'highway' is also foreign to our Polish neighbors – the main road is single-lane and used by both cars and all trucks in the world. It's no wonder that locals overtake at every imaginable and unimaginable place. We experienced first-hand that this cannot end well, as we were stuck for two hours yesterday due to a serious traffic accident. At the end of the day, we made a nice acquaintance with a former German officer from Bremen at a small, pleasant campground in Ełk.

Today, however, the Baltic countries surprised us very positively with their intelligent road layout, which the Polish civil engineers could gladly take a leaf out of. We probably would have made it to Lithuania and Riga in no time. If it wasn't for this unpredictable time change, which robbed us of an hour and put us in a tight time crunch. In the end, we managed to make it and are now enjoying delicious, and above all cheap, Polish Tyskie/Żubr under the clear Latvian sky, which we stacked by the palettes in the Pasat.

P.S. We would be very happy about 'likes' and comments ;)

Kutichiy (2)

Ihr Lieben P's, gerne lesen wir immer Eure ausführlichen und wohl formulierten Berichte. Mit Eurem Blog können wir tatsächlich an Eurer Reise Anteil nehmen. Das ist sehr schön. Es ist fast so, als säßen wir auch in Eurem Passat. Wir freuen uns auf jede Nachricht von Euch. Schöne Reise, Martin und Bettina

Wir sitzen hier an der Ostsee bei Musik und untergeheder Sonne und staunen, dass ihr dieses große Meer umrunden werdet. In Gedanken wir ganz oft mit in eurem Passat. Wir sind stolz auf euch,, passt gut auf und macht weiter so. Almut+Christoph
