Karos kleine große Weltreise
Karos kleine große Weltreise

03./04. February 2018

Publicado: 04.02.2018

Hello dear ones! 😊

A few numbers: In three days, I have already been on the road for 6 weeks and it's halftime. In 10 days, I will be on my way to New Zealand, and in one month, it's also my birthday and my dear friend Sina is coming! 😍

03/02/2017: Now onto yesterday. I have recovered well from the bus incident, thank you for all the concerned inquiries, it's nice to know that so many of you suffer with me! 😅💛

This is what the hostel complex of the "Base Hostels" on Magnetic Island looks like. These are little cabins with 6 beds each and luckily, there's air conditioning. 😊

Yesterday, I went on a little island hike together with Dominik, a guy from Bavaria whom I met in Cairns and met again here. On this hike, you're supposed to see wild koalas and beautiful views. It was really nice. We only started in the late afternoon because it was way too hot in the morning, so we had really beautiful light during our hike:

Since I got blisters from the flippers while diving and even tore them open with my "where-the-heck-is-that-stupid-bus-stop" run, I unfortunately can't wear closed shoes at the moment, so I had to climb the rocks with flip-flops. You better double-check where you step in that case! 😄 The view was absolutely worth it, even though I didn't have proper shoes and it was hot to hike up the mountain! 💛⛰☀️

Oh, and there were also wild koalas! 😍 Tadaaa:

Because there's such a high population of wild koalas here, there are road signs everywhere to make sure the drivers don't run over any of these little guys. After all, they're not particularly fast.

04/02/2018: I spent the morning by the pool today. In the afternoon, I made my way to the ferry because there was supposed to be a bus from the mainland to Airlie Beach at 1:20 pm. I took the earlier ferry so that I wouldn't miss the bus! 😄 On the way, I read and planned the rest of my trip, for example booking my flight to Melbourne. When I arrived in Airlie Beach in the evening, it started to rain.

Rain!!! 😍 That's a welcome change after the extreme heat of the past few weeks! It was totally unusual. 😋 (Yes, I look tired!)

The bus dropped me off at the harbor...

...and from there, I got on a regular city bus that took me to my accommodation.

These are small tin huts with their own kitchen and bathroom. I'm sharing my hut with three others, but I haven't seen them yet. I will go to bed soon, these bus rides always make me soooo tired, you're already familiar with that from me. Starting tomorrow, I'll be on a boat for three days again to go to the Whitsunday Islands and go snorkeling there. I'm very excited!

Say hi to the snow for me, I miss you! 💛


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