
My evening in Ponferrada

Publicado: 14.11.2023

I then went out into the city, but there felt like nothing was going on. Although it has to be said that most people are taking a siesta now. I went to the church which was open and really nice to look at. Afterwards I wandered through the alleys a bit and actually wanted to go back to the accommodation, but then I passed a museum and I thought, why not. Especially because the entrance fee was only €1.35. It was a museum that tells the history of this region from the Middle Ages to today. And also an art exhibition. Really nice and informative. But I couldn't concentrate that much. That's kind of a shame, but I'm exhausted and just want to lie down, but of course I also always want to take something with me from the place. But I can't really relax. And I plan to take a tour through the larger cities on the Way of St. James and spend 1-2 days there each. I'm in pilgrimage mode right now. It's a good thing I didn't visit the castle, because I wouldn't have paid attention to that. I'm often afraid of missing out on something, but I don't have to be afraid. I have to enjoy the journey more and listen to my body. And if he needs a break after a hike, I give it to him. Anyway, after about 30 minutes I got out and went to the supermarket. I actually just wanted to get something to drink, but they had a delicious salad with corn, olives, carrots and tomatoes for €2 that I had to grab. So I went back to the accommodation and put together a big snack and ate it. Then I went to bed and went out again at 7 p.m. because I wanted to try a kebab nearby. And before loading I met someone who I also slept with in the same hostel in León. We chatted for a bit and then I went home and ate the kebab with feta cheese. It was really tasty, but I didn't even get into it. There was a power outage in the hostel and I had to call someone as there was no one in the house. After 2 minutes the electrician came and turned the light back on. Now I'm lying in bed very well fed and chatting with the two ladies from South Korea who are also in my room and another gentleman. I'm trying to go to bed early again so I can leave early tomorrow. I'm really amazed that I can cover the distances so well. In September of this year I went hiking with a friend and her dog and usually ended after 15-20km. At the beginning we blamed it on the dog, but I was always well exhausted at the end of the stage and asked myself how I had managed 30km before. At the beginning I walked too long distances between 40-50km, but I think the ideal distance for me is between 30-35km, although of course that always depends on the time of day, when I start, how many breaks, and what the weather is like etc. Well. That's why I always try to aim for such a distance depending on hostels. Because I have enough time unless something unexpected happens like a week of rain or an injury.

I'll lie down.


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