Clara und Matze
Clara und Matze

Door 19 - Farewell from Cooroy and Bohemian Beatfreaks

Publicado: 19.12.2019

On November 15th, Sean visited us one last time from Brisbane. The year was coming to an end for him too, so we didn't have much time left for activities together. After a cozy evening together, we drove to Noosa on Saturday to show him "Devils Kitchen" one last time, a rock basin where the water is always foaming, like in a huge cooking pot. Unfortunately, we headed a bit too far south, so we didn't make it all the way there, but we found a large cave between the rocks. Here we survived a storm, beautifully overlooking the sea, protected by the rocks. Sean, who was still meeting with Lynette, drove home in the evening. On Monday, our last week began. - or rather 4 days. Thursday was our last day and we planned to bake a cake to say goodbye. During our time in Cooroy, we had already baked a Russian Zupftorte, a Schmandkuchen, and a Maulwurfskuchen (banana-blueberry, highly recommended). So what this time? Another Schmandkuchen, but this time with real cake icing, not homemade substitute. We had already had a farewell barbecue with our roommates, now it was time for the staff. Everyone was thrilled and at the same time devastated (the former because of the cake, the latter because of our farewell). They wished us all the best and lots of success, and then we started our way home. The last time. On Friday morning we packed our stuff. Everything that was needed for the "Bohemian Beatfreaks" festival and Fraser went into the car, the rest into the garage. We were done with everything at 11 o'clock and started with Liane, a German girl Clara had already met on the road trip with Maddy, to Boho. 'Boho' or 'Bohemian Beatfreaks' is a small festival about 1.5 hours drive west of Cooroy in the 'Landcruiser Mountain Park'. We felt like we drove half of the way on a dirt road across various cow pastures, and eventually, when the last bit of cell phone reception was gone, we were there. We set up our camp with a rooftop tent, sun awning, solar panel, fairy lights, table, and chairs, and headed towards the main stage. Even though it wasn't in full swing yet, people were already partying there. We looked around, danced to warm up, and went back to the camp to have a couple of beers. In the late afternoon, it really started. Most people had arrived and headed to the field, and we were with them. We partied until late into the night and then we went back to the tent, completely exhausted. The usual daily routine of the tomato farm was still in our bones. We were already awake at 8 in the morning, made ourselves a delicious breakfast, and headed towards the main field. Some headliners played in the early afternoon, and we really wanted to see them. There were also some workshops, with yoga, self-control, art, and much more. And lots of food stalls. It turned into evening and the party got more intense. We wandered from one stage to the next, wherever we liked it best at the moment. There were a total of 4 stages. The first one, 'Boho Lounge', was mainly for bands and DJs with instrumental accompaniment and had a more relaxed character. The second one, a very small stage, had a boat as a stage and played amazing drum and bass. There was also a stripper pole where anyone who felt like it could give it a try. The third one was the main stage 'Waabooz', where the main DJs played, covered with fabrics and with a true floodlight and laser show once it got dark. The fourth one, 'Koo Koo', was built further back in the forest and was designed like a witch's house or, as the name suggests, a cuckoo clock. At night, it was illuminated by projectors, which made everything extremely surreal, amazingly colorful, and moving. We partied until 4 in the morning, then we couldn't anymore. However, the music didn't stop all night and you could still party in the tent. On Sunday, we were already pretty exhausted, but it wasn't over yet. One of the headliners, Phaxe, played and I really wanted to see him. Clara took part in a yoga workshop to get her tired bones moving again. Afterwards, we wandered around the site for a few more hours to watch the last shows, but only until 8, then we were done. Clara wanted to sleep, I sat around a bit and read a book. Monday morning, it was all over, we packed our things (Unfortunately, my phone fell while emptying the tent and is now unusable, for those wondering why my WhatsApp doesn't work anymore) and started our way home, or rather towards Fraser Island. We drove to Hervey Bay, where our ferry to the island was supposed to depart on Tuesday morning.


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