
Koh Tao and Koh Pagnan

خپور شوی: 22.06.2019

On June 14th, I continued my journey from the wonderful first island with Amber, Jay, Matt, and Nikki to Koh Tao.

Once we arrived there, we rented snorkeling gear and explored the incredibly beautiful coral reefs.

The next day, we took a scooter tour to Shark Bay and actually saw a small shark while snorkeling. Jay and Nikki jumped from a five-meter-high rock. I initially wanted to join them, but at the last moment, I decided against it because I realized I was already having enough adventures here.

In the evening, we had a beautiful last night with Matt. We had dinner together, drank cocktails on the beach, and then opened a little hair salon in front of our dorm. Originally, I was only supposed to trim Amber and Jay's undercut, but in the end, Matt also got a shave and I got a new hairstyle. Saying goodbye to Matt was difficult for all of us, and we all tried to convince him to travel with us to Koh Pangan. However, he had already booked a super nice hostel in the mountains, so we had to leave him behind with a heavy heart.

The next day, we continued our journey to Koh Pangan by ferry.

When we arrived there, we warmly welcomed Istvan. We spent the day drinking beer in the sea and ended the evening at a beach bar.

On the day of the Full Moon Party, we spent the daytime at an incredibly cozy reggae treehouse bar right on the beach, and in the evening, we headed to the notorious party. We all had a very fun and wild night on the beach.

The following day, we went back to the reggae bar. When we arrived there, we found out that it was unfortunately closed. However, since there was a heavy downpour, we spent a few hours sitting in the treehouse and listening to the rain. Afterwards, we went to a bar on Full Moon Beach to say goodbye to Istvan. It was really sad because he had become very dear to me since my first night on the island. Today, I found out that there will be a final reunion on the 30th in Bangkok, yay!
