
Farewell to Lake Maggiore

خپور شوی: 09.10.2023

we=129:2-on the way

After breakfast and paying the bill, we headed home towards BW.

Since we didn't reach Enrico (he was on his last round of the house at 11 p.m. and therefore not yet awake), we set off at around 9 a.m. Then there shouldn't be so many cars on the narrow riverside road. They weren't either, and if they were, they were heading south. Maybe to Lake Mergozzo for the regatta.

The coaches coming towards us didn't have it that easy on the narrow streets. Strangely enough, the journey back wasn't as long as the journey. There weren't that many travelers on the road either. On this day too, both the Italian and Swiss customs officers were very relaxed and only looked briefly at the license plates and that was it.

In Switzerland we “refueled” again - we would have arrived with the existing tank full. But it's so simple, and the GOTTHARD RASTSTÄTTE SÜD also delivers delicious coffee. I had completely forgotten that: If you order “cafe” in Italy, you get espresso. If you order “Cafe” in German-speaking Switzerland, you get coffee. It doesn't matter - the man at my side can also drink a second cup of it. I quickly bought some Toblerone - it's simply a must in Switzerland - and the electric car's battery is almost completely full.

The last few kilometers passed without any traffic jams or construction sites. Then we were already home.

See you soon


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