

خپور شوی: 24.11.2016

Last night, due to my jet lag, I fell asleep at seven o'clock and unfortunately missed the dance lesson.

When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in the house with the employees. They looked at me very surprised when I made myself cereal without getting them something. I think they found it strange that I didn't let them make it for me and that I cleaned up my own dishes. It's a bit strange to be alone with them because they always look at me with big eyes when I ask them something in English and usually giggle when I look away.

After breakfast, Sylvia and I went to a private university, where I might be able to take a Spanish course. Then we went to what Sylvia called breakfast, which I expected to be a small round in the house. We drove up and our car was parked like in fancy hotels. We arrived at a beautiful location where about 300 people were sitting at tables to raise money for a good cause. Back at home, I had a little Spanish lesson with Enrique, the father. We decided to label objects with Post-Its, each showing the German and Spanish word. After only 2 days, my Spanish vocabulary has grown by about 100%, as the family is very keen to show me everything and describe things.

One thing I really have to get used to is being served during meals like in a restaurant. We sit down and get our food, which is also taken away again.

Now we're going to a classical concert in Querétaro, where I'm sure I'll meet many new people again.

The most striking thing here is that every person I meet has some idea of what I can do and who I absolutely have to meet. In the two days I've been here, I've probably met more people than in Germany in half a year.

PHOTOS: - the front view of the family's house


- the 'benefit gala' with location



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