
'There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.' Buddha

خپور شوی: 07.02.2017

Today I was a tourist for the first time in Kathmandu! Although again with a guide and on a scooter (but I already know the way around our area and to school), but still.

Subash took me to the Bodhnath Stupa after school. It is a temple for Buddhists (the largest in Asia) and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

On the way there, we had 'Momo' for lunch. They are dumplings filled with minced chicken and some yellow sauce (there are so many sauces in Nepal - with spices, vegetables, etc.). There was also red sauce, but I skipped it because they said, 'It's very hot'. It tasted delicious! The food here is generally very good (you can imagine it like Indian food), but unfortunately, it's a bit repetitive - rice, rice, rice and the side dishes and sauces vary. And contrary to all predictions, I haven't had any stomach problems yet.

After that, I withdrew money for the FIRST TIME. Unbelievable... Until now, I haven't had to buy food or anything. My host family and the Nepalese people in general are so hospitable.

But back to the Stupa - that was my highlight today.

During the ride, I was looking out for the big golden tower the whole time. In vain... Then we turned from a main road into smaller, narrower streets and I could already see the first 'tourist' shops. You can't really call them touristy because there is no junk like in souvenir shops in Europe, but real craftsmanship - prayer wheels, masks, singing bowls, etc. Beautifully and finely made. I will definitely buy some things here. I have already asked my family if it's possible to send things home by mail because I can't take them with me.

After parking the scooter, I finally saw the Stupa - wooooow! A gigantic golden (real gold!!) tower with Buddha's eyes, built on a white dome, surrounded by prayer flags with mantras on them.

The entrance fee was 250 NPR (approx. 1.50€) and Subash said that if I come here again (which I definitely will), I don't have to pay again, I just have to say that I have already been here.

We then took a walk around the Stupa, spun prayer wheels (always clockwise!) and Subash answered all my questions.

The entire tower of the Bodhnath Stupa collapsed in the 2015 earthquake. It has been completely rebuilt and was only recently completed.

It was also very interesting that, although it is a Buddhist temple, there were also many Hindu influences. In Nepal, people accept different religions and visit different religious sites, not just their own.

Afterwards, we also took a walk around the Stupa (again clockwise). And there we were part of a real stream of prayers by people. Prayer wheels are attached all around the Stupa and people spin them and circumambulate the Stupa until they finish their mantra. They do this not only in the afternoon but also at 3 in the morning haha

By the way, Buddhists are very athletic believers. When they pray, they do an incredible number of repetitions of 'push-ups' (they are not actual push-ups, but they look similar and I know such exercises from Pilates - and they are damn tiring!). Then there are the countless rounds around the temple while turning the prayer wheels with the right hand. Pure fitness!

We then went to a side temple where we could go onto a kind of balcony. There we watched the whole spectacle for a while. Truly fascinating and you really get immersed in this atmosphere.

So that was definitely not my last visit there.

By the way, I saw other tourists for the first time since I've been here :D Since we live a bit outside, there are hardly any tourists there. Then I chatted with two older ladies and I found it quite funny that the first non-Nepalese people I talked to were from the Czech Republic haha

The world is so small...

ځواب (2)

Hallo Niki! Das ist wirklich eine tolle Idee und deine Beiträge sind wirklich sehr interessant. Dadurch kann man deinen Weg durch die Welt hervorragend mitverfolgen. Freue mich über deine weiteren Beiträge. LG aus Österreich

Ahh, jetzt verstehe ich auch das Video, das du mir geschickt hast. Hab mich noch gewundert, warum die alle in eine Richtung gehen 😁 ! Sehr interessant!!

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