Meine Reise ins Wunderland
Meine Reise ins Wunderland

د Ipoh Tag 3: د میراث واک

خپور شوی: 19.09.2019

After sleeping in again and lazing around, I had to pack up again. But I still had some time before the bus left, so I dropped off my things and wanted to go into town again. However, it was pouring rain, but the hostel was really nice and loaned me an umbrella. It was huge, especially since I'm only used to my little folding umbrella. There were actually places where I couldn't fit through 😃 But since it was overall very wet outside, I went to have breakfast first and planned my day. Breakfast was really delicious, and while I was eating, the rain finally stopped. On Friday, I just strolled through the city, but today I planned to follow the Heritage Walk. This is a designated path (although you can find different routes on different websites) through the old town, which leads past the most beautiful buildings and sights. It started at the old train station (a really beautiful building) and then somehow crisscrossed through the city. If anyone wants to see my route (and the most important information about the buildings), you can do so here: I skipped some things because of time and motivation ^^ As a conclusion, I had one of the famous white coffees from Ipoh (for which the coffee beans are roasted in palm oil margarine and the coffee is served with condensed milk - it wasn't really my thing) and chicken with bean sprouts, apparently also a specialty of the region. That was really delicious too! And then the internet spit out a tea house, where I had a delicious tea and also stocked up on it for home. Then I went back to the hostel, to the bus, and home, where I arrived again with a delay, but well.


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