
Final preparations and luggage

خپور شوی: 24.10.2022

The organizational matters were long settled. Today it was time for the required corona test. In the past few days, we have reduced all contacts to a minimum and also have no symptoms. Nevertheless, it feels incredibly relieving when the negative test result is black on white.

Now the suitcases are being packed and loaded into the car. Tomorrow we will head to Hamburg. Friends are accompanying us and will take the car back. Leaving it in Hamburg for four months was not the ideal solution.

We both travel with three large suitcases, a carry-on bag, and a backpack. That should be enough. Certain clothes will be washed in between and the outfit for 'showing off' will stay at home. We also do without a bag full of shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. In comparison to the fellow travelers we know, we are traveling with 'light' luggage. We probably compensate for the missed backpacker trips of our youth with that.

Hamburg, here we come. AIDA, let's go.

ځواب (2)

Viel Spaß euch zwei! Vergisst uns nicht! :-) Hübsches Profilfoto!

Viel Spaß! Ich würde mich freuen, viele Bilder von dieser fantastischen Reise zu sehen! Hab euch lieb! <3
