
Tanzania 2024 - the journey

خپور شوی: 14.07.2024

Tuesday evening it started: Six of us met at Frankfurt Airport to embark towards Tanzania. 4 people from Rüsselsheim (partly residing in Bischofsheim), one from Haiger, and one from Essen-Kettwig. What unites them is the contact or support of their community/church regarding the couple Weiß and various missionary projects in southern Tanzania.

After smoothly going through baggage drop, security check, and enduring waiting time, the plane took off around 10 pm towards Addis Ababa, where we arrived early in the morning. It was actually rainy there. During the waiting time, you could try Ethiopian coffee, freshly made, almost espresso-like.

And then came the two-hour flight to Dar es Salaam. During the day, you could see the landscape from the plane, towards the end some islands and coastal strips with wonderfully turquoise sea.


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