
15.01.2023 from Capertee NP to Abercrombie River NP

خپور شوی: 16.01.2023

Last night we looked up at the night sky for a long time, saw at least one shooting star and of course made a wish. Early in the morning we want to go to an outlook, but it is 4 km away and we have a long drive ahead of us. With our 4x4 we should be able to reach the hill and so we drive, it's Sunday and we can be lazy. The path is initially great, but at a wet spot in rainy weather, deep ruts have been dug into the ground, it will be tricky, just don't get stuck with the camper. But we manage to do it. The outlook is so high that we can see the campground 4 km away from the top.

On our way to the Abercrombie NP, we stop twice to search for new camping options and read news on the internet. Unfortunately, we can't access the blog page, neither from the PC nor from the mobile phone. Too bad.

Our spot in the national park is once again on the bank of a river, the Abercrombie. It meanders peacefully just a few meters away from us, but it can be very different, there are logs, roots, and "beachcombing" all around, the large gray kangaroos relax lazily in the shade, and little lizards jump hastily into the water as we approach. A lively world, birds chirp, ravens complain, and Hans is already laughing again.

PS: It rained in the evening, the drops are so big that we get soaking wet right away.


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