
What we still need to learn with the caravan:

خپور شوی: 30.01.2020

1. Everything that is not firmly secured will fly through the caravan when driving over the speed-limiting and sometimes dizzyingly high ramps, which are increasingly being used in French and Spanish towns to ensure peace. Spaghetti and/or artificial sweetener pills can be found in every corner and crevice, they have to be collected like mikado and still roll through the establishment days later.

2. Do not transport eggs in the cardboard box in the Château! Here, too, we stumble upon the ramp trap, something hits the egg on the way, making it barely perceptibly damaged, which then slips through the fingers in the middle of the cooking process and spreads picturesquely into the cracks on the stove, where sweetener is still hidden here and there.

3. Never feel safe when reversing! For example, it is very likely that the access road to the Ermita, where you spent a peaceful night, will be newly tarred the next morning and completely blocked by construction vehicles. The friendly roller driver points in the drivable direction, you follow his instructions, but you do not expect that the little road will eventually be narrowed down by concrete walls in a way that a daring turning maneuver becomes unavoidable. Either you spend the rest of your travel time as a hermit at the Ermita or the caravan overcomes the 20% steep ramp to the next town with narrow streets. Zappa and the Kangoo silently master the second option.

4. Even parking in front of supermarkets can lead to dramatic scenes! Because the truck driver who wants to turn backwards into the Lidl delivery area and thus blocks the way to your extra-long parking space could be nervous and not really focused and irreparably damage not only the lamp post but also the entire rear light system. So you deviate to the not quite legal parking bay next to the shopping carts in order not to spend the rest of your holiday time as a hermit in the Lidl parking lot.

5. Changing lanes on the motorway can be difficult! Especially when you try to bypass Barcelona in rush hour traffic and have to change from the far right to the far left over three lanes. With a length of 12 meters, this is almost impossible in the thick city hustle and bustle, so you quickly miss the right exit more than once and the navigation system has to calculate and calculate and calculate. If there are also four accidents on the way and the tracks are even more congested, the few kilometers can easily take several hours and further delay your journey.

6. Road cyclists are generally faster than you in the mountains! Whether uphill or downhill. Even if they are already annoyed and wave you to pass, they will shoot by you again after the next hairpin bend.

7. It shakes in the box! How do you behave in a storm? I don't know either, all I can say is that I feel really sick when the mobile home is shaken, rattled and wobbled at night and the coffee cups are whirled around with every gust. The sleep is definitely very restless, even if Zappa once again soothingly assures that the Château won't tip over that easily.

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