Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip


خپور شوی: 28.07.2023


From one river to the next.' This could be the title of this post, or something like that. Or 'how I drove from Montenegro to Serbia.' Alternatively, 'my first day in Serbia' would also be super on point. Actually, I'm just trying to uninspiredly write an introduction that was fresh and convincing at the moment of inspiration, but when I write it down, it becomes clear that there could have been some other simpler and better formulations, but by then it's somehow too late because I'm already mentally stuck in a one-way street.

Unfortunately, the evening before I entered the wrong PIN for my German number three times. That's what happens when you have to change SIM cards every few days... Collecting SIM cards could become my new passion. I've lost track a bit.

Either way, I don't have internet this morning because I'm back on Montenegrin soil, where my Albanian card no longer works.

I also ask myself in retrospect how I actually managed without internet. I don't remember exactly. In times of need, I most likely automatically relied on my natural instincts and abilities to secure my survival. It's amazing what humans, or rather, what I am capable of when it matters.

First and foremost, I had to ensure that my basic needs were met. So simple yet essential. One of those basic needs was food procurement and consumption. Luckily, there was a river nearby. I could have gone fishing there...

But I made myself a cereal. Like every morning. With oat flakes and such. I was prepared for that. It was delicious and nourishing, but that wasn't enough. I was still in a very precarious situation.

Desperation set in. I was about to give up, to give in, when I gathered all my courage, took an A4 pad and a pen, and started brainstorming. To be honest, it also felt a little wrong to do a brainstorming session all by myself. Sure, this classic method is usually for groups and teams, but what does it matter if it ultimately saves my life?

I turned the most important points into a mind map. The strength of this method lies clearly in its visual nature. Framed words, individual ideas, sometimes connected by lines to illustrate connections. An image emerged. Composed of intuitive thoughts. I just had to put two and two together. The solution seemed obvious. It had emerged through structured approach.


The solution was to drive to the next town or city and pay attention to the road signs, which, as I remembered after careful consideration, indicate cities among other things.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I had won.

As a winner, I reached the next city even without internet and navigation: Bijelo Polje.

The city, with almost 60,000 inhabitants, was not that small, and the likelihood of finding a café with Wi-Fi was very high.

Unlike the cities in southern Montenegro, few tourists get lost in this area. That's precisely why I liked the city. Authentic.

Logged into the Wi-Fi network of one of the many cafés, the world was at my feet again. Well, almost, because I still need my PUK. But that's another problem that will probably occupy me for a while. Maybe a brainstorming session could help.

In the café, I was joined by three older gentlemen who sat down at my table because the café had no more free seats.

One of them spoke excellent German. After over 25 years in Bremen, he had returned to his homeland as a retiree. He could live better on his pension here. Entertaining round.

Buying a Montenegrin SIM card wasn't worth it because the plan was to go to Serbia today.

A bit of waiting at the border crossing. But entry was problem-free.

Thanks to, I found a good spot. Again, by a river.

Would it be allowed in our country to build such a diving platform (see pictures) on a river? I don't think so. At least not without a well-trained lifeguard to monitor the whole thing professionally.

The place is well-visited, especially by alleged locals, like Mele, whom I get to know in the evening.

We chat. He has a car workshop in the next town. I might have problems with the brakes. He tells me to come by tomorrow morning.

Funny, likeable guy.

My gut feeling tells me this could be fun...


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