
Day 4 - Hermanus

Opublikowany: 22.07.2018

Today we actually went to Hermanus. Actually, there's not much to report. We had breakfast, packed our bags, had the car brought over, and set off. First, a stretch on the N2 highway, and then from the town of 'Strand' along the Whale Route. From here, Charley took over the driving and everything went smoothly until she grabbed the steering wheel because a turtle was crossing the road. I don't usually do that. And I would be completely beside myself if someone grabbed the steering wheel from me, but I had to save the turtle. Charley probably would have driven past it, but I grabbed the steering wheel beforehand. I apologized several times, but I don't know if I wouldn't do it again out of reflex.

In between, we also took a break by the sea. We didn't see any whales, but we did see baboons right by the sea.

In Hermanus, we couldn't check in yet, so we walked along the sea, had lunch because our stomachs were growling, and stared out at the sea, still no whales. But... way out in the distance, we thought it was a rock in the sea, there was supposedly a humpback whale cow who had just given birth to her calf and was chilling out there. We were actually able to see a tiny fin from the calf, but we didn't get a really good photo because of the distance. Still nice to know that we actually saw it. Back at the hotel, we were able to check into our rooms and my goodness, they are amazing! Great rooms. Like something from another time. We're in paradise. Weaver birds nest above the entrance of the hotel and it's just a great hotel. Highly recommended. At sunset, we looked out for whales again, but only saw spouts of water and a fin in the distance once. Now we're sitting on the balcony with two bottles of wine and chips, just happy to be here with Vera. End for today!
