
Day 27 - Sun, Beach, and Sea

Opublikowany: 22.01.2023


With lots of sun, increasing heat, and parrot cries, we wake up and have a cozy breakfast. There's not much planned for today, as we're staying at this campground for another night and it's already the last day with Yoshi :(

We both agree to take it easy and leisurely and head to the nearby beach. Said and done. At 11:00 a.m., we park Yoshi in the parking lot at Moana Beach. This spot was deliberately chosen because there's also a restaurant with coffee on the promenade ;)

Settling in at the beach, applying sunscreen, and let's go! Marco sleeps off breakfast at full speed, while Sarah gets absorbed in her book. It's getting warmer and Sarah enjoys the first refreshment in the sea... but only up to her belly button. It's still a bit cold. Marco manages to get up to his knees in the water. We both relax and continue reading our books until it gets really warm. In short, we both dive into the refreshing sea.

After a few hours, the desire for shade and coffee arises. We walk the 2 minutes to the colorful house and place ourselves at the bar in the shade. We order two large milkshakes, for a change ;)

Back on the beach, we engage in our favorite activities of the day: applying sunscreen, reading books (we've now exchanged our books), and people-watching. We even take two more dips in the cool water. A walk is also not to be missed.

Back at the campground, we attempt some acrobatics. Goal: to clean something on Yoshi's roof. Sarah climbs on Marco's shoulder to see the roof at a height of 3m. We are cheered on by other campers :) Afterwards, we have our last dinner with Yoshi. Tomorrow we have to return Yoshi. One last time, we fill the grill completely with sweet potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, and Quorn cutlets. As the evening sun sets, we enjoy our meal - before slowly starting to clean, tidy up, and pack up.

Fun fact: At today's beach, you can park your car directly on(!) the sandy beach for 8 dollars. On the road above, there are various free parking lots within walking distance of the beach. Hmm, you don't have to understand everything.


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