Meck on Tour
Meck on Tour

City hiking in Riga

Opublikowany: 24.06.2022

Today was all about city hiking. After a rather average breakfast at the hotel, we set off shortly after 12. I had planned a route with my navigation app Komoot that was supposed to take me to many interesting places. And I was not disappointed. Riga is truly beautiful. Fantastic buildings, lots of greenery and water, and beautiful contrasts between the old and the new. Highlights for me were, on the one hand, the cathedral with the fourth-largest organ in the world, and on the other hand, the view from the tower of St. Peter’s Church (72 meters above the ground!) So today there are a few more pictures than usual, but I hope you enjoy coming along with me through the magical Riga! So the text will be short.

Tomorrow we will continue. The plan for that is not yet set. Sleep well!


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