
20.11.19 - Nullarbor Road Pt.2 / Border WA|SA / Eucla / Penong Caravan Park

Opublikowany: 20.11.2019

Heading east again.

It’s funny ... the further east you go the earlier the sun rises, the earlier it sets.

Today in Perth the sun rises 05:07am and sets 06:58pm /18:58.

Here in Eucla, just before the border, rise at 04:15am and set at 06:05pm /18:05.

Once you experience this by yourself you see the real reason for different time zones.

Today we crossed the border Western Australia / South Australia.

By crossing the border the time for us changed for 2h30min in the future.

It’s a very different feeling to switch time zones from one second to another when you drive by car than going by plane and just land somewhere with a different time zone.

If you look up the Nullarbor road on google maps you’ll find a few locations. These "cities" are just roadhouses. Like big gas stations. Only a few people are living in small communities out here.

Fuel prices can rise up to 50% (2-2,20$/L Diesel).

Vegetation varies a lot. Sometimes it’s almost orange desert and very sandy. Then only bushes, then bigger trees, then more rocky...

Today it was less hot than yesterday. About 23C... perfect conditions. But very very windy.

Arrived at Penong Caravan Park just in time when sun set. No outback today, no spiders! 🙏

It’s a 9 hours drive until Adelaide from here. We’re thinking of driving this tomorrow. Let’s see




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