
Update Project: finnandemelyvsworld

Opublikowany: 03.06.2018

We can hardly believe it, but a quarter of a year has already passed behind us. We have seen and experienced a lot, as you could diligently follow on our blog.

For us, the time was characterized by many ups and downs. By that we mean both our relationship with each other and what happened around us.

At the beginning in India, we had a lot to do with ourselves, with the country and the circumstances of traveling, so there was not much time to take care of a relationship. But after India, everything changed a bit. We got used to the circumstances of traveling, to being together 24/7, and more and more to each other's quirks. Because when two people set out on a journey together, you have to expect some disagreements and some self-realization that can hurt. But on the other hand, traveling together also has many advantages; when you are feeling down, someone is there for you, you can share good times together, and in setbacks, you can encourage each other. Besides, you can afford a cheap private room from time to time, and when friends you have met move on, you are not alone afterwards.

So now we have settled in very well and really enjoy our life at the moment.

From time to time, we think about traveling even further and discovering more of the beautiful and interesting world, but that would mean we would have to work for a longer period of time. At the moment, it's all still just thoughts, because the money has to last for the next countries. Although then we would live up to "finnandemelyvsworld" 🤔 we will see 😉.

Now Malaysia and Singapore have already been added, completely unplanned as you have already learned. But we are glad we decided on these two countries. And soon we will have visitors 👏😊, Finn's sister Malin in northern Thailand and Emely's friend Melanie in Indonesia. Some visits are still in the planning stage and are not yet fixed. But we are very much looking forward to seeing you all 🤗🤗.

Recently, most of our posts also include videos. I hope you have liked them so far and have gotten an even better impression of our current life.

It's easy to explain how we got to the videos: Finn has been filming all the time, but we just stored it somewhere. Now our external hard drive is broken with all our pictures and videos from India and Nepal. We hope we can send it in and recover the data. So with the finished edited videos, we always have a small memory saved. On the other hand, Finn would have to put together something from all the recordings at the end of our journey, which would be sooo much effort, because now it takes us about 1.5 days to make one video. But we are always excited to share a finished product of blog post and video with you.

Now we have given you an update on our project finnandemelyvsworld and would also like to take this opportunity to tell you how excited we are that you are following us and we are happy about every curious reader and your kind comments. 😊😊

Greetings from Malaysia!

Your Emely and your Finn

Odpowiedź (3)


Bislang habe ich alles gelesen und gesehen was Ihr ins "Netz" gestellt habt. Meistens beneide ich Euch wegen der grandiosen Eindrücke, die ihr auch noch so treffend beschreibt. Nur ganz wenige Beiträge zeigen mir aber auch, dass ich für solche Touren zu alt geworden bin. Deswegen habt schönen Dank dafür, dass wir auf die Art "mitreisen" können.

Das freut uns 🤗