
January 18th Halls Gap (Grampians National Park)

Lofalitsidwa: 29.01.2023

Halls Gap is located in the Grampians National Park, about 100 km north inland from Port Fairy. A mountain range that consists mainly of sandstone, which was once at the bottom of the sea. Folded by earth movements and volcanic activity, which also explains the basalt in the mountain. The forest consists mainly of eucalyptus trees and can sometimes appear quite gloomy.

We started with a hike to the Pinnacle lookout. 2.10 km, that can't be so bad, we thought. Well, it turned out to be 3.46 km and an hour and a half later we reached our destination. I tried to load the pictures in order. The view is breathtaking over the entire plain. After a refreshment, it goes down again, not without a challenge. There, you have to be careful because we met a woman who sprained her foot and had to make the descent laboriously. Then we drove to the next highlight, the McKenzie Falls, which we viewed from above. We decided not to descend. At the Reed Lookout, we enjoyed this insane view of the plain again, and at The Balconies, we noticed that Halls Gap somehow resembles Helm's Deep. These dark forests, these narrow valleys... oh man.

In the evening, we chatted again with the emus and I visited the kangaroos on the meadow behind our lodge.


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