
Karen and Marie are moving in with us - Week 43

Lofalitsidwa: 30.10.2018

On Monday, Marie arrived in Melbourne from Bali. She volunteered in Bali for 3 months. We met up right after her arrival and went to St. Kilda together. After a few hours of relaxing at the beach, we went out for dinner. We spent the evening in our apartment comparing the TimTams (chocolates) from Bali with the ones from Australia. The ones from Bali are smaller and have lower quality chocolate compared to the ones from Australia.

On Tuesday, Karen, Ben, Marie, and I went to the Queen Victoria Market. Then we took a city tour of Melbourne. We learned a lot about the history of Melbourne, some of which we already knew. In the evening, we watched a movie.
Some information about Melbourne:
Melbourne gained its wealth primarily through gold. In addition, the Australian government was based in Melbourne during the construction of the capital city, Canberra. The Aboriginal flag reflects the sun (yellow circle), the people (black), and the land/Australia (red).

On Wednesday, unfortunately, my work was canceled because the restaurant was not busy. But I was able to spend the day with Marie again. She is now living with Ben and me, taking Luisa's place. She will be doing Woofing in Australia, which means working on a farm. But until she goes to a farm, she is spending her time with us in Melbourne.

On Thursday, I worked all day.

On Friday, Marie and I went to the Queen Victoria Market again in the morning. It is quite big, and there is always lots to see. In the afternoon, Karen also moved in with us. She is also doing a work and travel year in Australia, and now we all live together in Armadale. Our rent is naturally cheaper, and there is enough space for the four of us. We all get along very well and enjoy our communal evenings. I worked again in the late afternoon.

On Saturday and Sunday, I worked all the time. The weather was good, so the restaurant was busy. I get along very well with all the staff members. But I get along best with three Irish girls, each of whom is also on a working holiday. Although they are all from Ireland, they had never met before. However, they all live quite close to each other in Ireland.
