Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer
Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer

Valley of the Giants + Elephant Rocks + dies + das

Lofalitsidwa: 14.12.2017

Yesterday's Wednesday was our second surfing lesson, which was characterized by extremely difficult conditions. Due to the strong wind, the waves were not really easy / clean because they came from multiple directions. That was really tough. Many washes and even more waves later, which we occasionally rode, we drove to Surfers Point, where we had a proper BBQ. Surfers Point is a well-known surf spot for surfers and surf fans, where the World Surf League also stops annually. Unfortunately, there were no surfers in the water, but we still enjoyed the view (of the waves and the bay) and especially the barbecue. It should be mentioned that there are public grills at numerous places along the coast that can be used free of charge. That's really cool. ((-:

On the way to our next stop in Peaceful Bay, there was actually a very eerie, frightening, almost unimaginable moment, because we simply drove through a forest fire. We were stopped by a firefighter who pointed out to us that we would be driving through a controlled forest fire for the next few kilometers. With 40 km/h, we drove past thick smoke, with some trees still slightly burning, past countless fire trucks and firefighters. That was really scary. 😳

But in the end, we arrived safely at our campsite in Peaceful Bay, a truly peaceful quiet bay, where on our evening walk back to the campsite, a kangaroo almost jumped in front of us. Cool jumper! World!

Exhausted from the day, after the evening barbecue, we fell dead into bed to start the day refreshed at the Valley of the Giants today. It was quite impressive to take this Tree Top Walk through the treetops of these eucalyptus trees up to 70m high (the highest point on this route was at 40m) and also to stand in the tree trunks of these giants measuring up to 20m in circumference, but yeah.. you've seen it and that's it. 🙈

Next, we headed to Denmark, where we laid down on a beautiful beach to sunbathe and watched some surfers or rather beginners in the water. On our way to Esperance, our stopover is now Albany. On the way there, we also visited the Green Pool and the Elephant Rocks and visited other beaches.

Now we have already had a barbecue at the campsite in Albany and Flo has defeated Nadia in a game of billiards. But Nadia was not bad at all, it was close.

Now we are considering how to spend the day tomorrow and then it's already good night again to Germany!

P.S.: Olga & Co., please have 1-2 Cuba Libre for me.. oh Sorry: twelve is written without a hyphen. Cheers!!!

Yankhani (4)

JUHU Ihr Granaten !!! da habt Ihr ja wieder super Bilder gemacht. echt toll, das Känguru was den Floh umpumpt hätte ich gerne auf einem Bild gesehen :-) Da müssen die Kräfte beim Surfen echt mächtig gewesen sein. Ja nun die Naturgewalten die haben halt auch was drauf und wenn mach sich dann tagelang wieder auf die faule Haut legen kann, ist ja alles halb so wild. Mein Tag geht auch langsam zu Ende. Noch ein Nikoläuschen weg bringen dann auch gemütlicher Teil vor dem Dan-Ofen bei 25° Innentemperatur und einem guten badischen Vesper. Gruß Gevadder Tom

Ich habe jedes Mal, wenn ich hier als Mutti von Kängurus lese und das ist ja schon ab und zu 😊, einen Ohrwurm, und zwar (gern mal googeln und anhören!!) Volker Rosin - Känguru Weiterhin viel Spaß. Wie ist die Weihnachtsstimmung bei Euch 🎄🎅? 💜 Gruß aus good cold Germany ❄️

@Vadderli, ja da hast du wohl Recht, aber es war schon ein großes Känguru 😉 @Sabrina, wir haben das Lied sogar sofort angemacht. DAS kenne ich sogar, läuft bei meiner Schwester ständig auf und runter 😂 Die Weihnachtsstimmung ist nicht im geringsten vorhanden. Ist aber auch schwierig bei 25-30Grad und Sonne. Wir haben zwar einige Campingwagen gesehen, welche grosse Weihnachtsdeko hatten 🎄

Aber die Stimmung ist noch überhaupt nicht übergeschnappt. . Mal sehen, ob es noch kommt 🤔😊

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