Lofalitsidwa: 10.08.2018
Thu, 09.08.18
What a special day. Although not very technically advanced, it's interesting how the mood changes. Waking up in sunshine, having breakfast in the rain, getting ready for the day under blue sky, and going out in grey clouds.
This is how our day starts. When we arrive at the beach, it's dark. Nevertheless, we settle in. But not for long. Because after a few minutes it starts raining. We look for shelter and after five minutes we realize it's already beautiful again. So off we go and chill.
Suddenly, the picture darkens again. We better go back to the hotel. Rain is ok, but thunderstorms are not so cool. As soon as we get back, it starts storming like crazy. But only for 20 minutes, then the sun comes out again. Now we've had enough. We're not playing this game anymore. Off to the massage and then into the water :)
And just like the day went, so does the evening. Starting the evening on the terrace, chased away by the rain and rewarded with a beautiful sunset, we end the eventful day.
P.S. Here's the proof for the 13 degree water ;)