Along comes Polly...
Along comes Polly...


Lofalitsidwa: 14.08.2022

The odyssey continues and a visit to Copenhagen is not happening. The place we had previously chosen is closed, as we found out from a 'guard' at the entrance road. Maybe it will reopen on Monday. On the way back, we notice that there is a car race going on here and maybe that's why the place is closed for tourists. So we go to our alternative place and are also turned away there. Many campers come here and immediately leave again because everything is occupied. Since we are slowly getting tired of searching for places near the city and ending up disappointed, we now cross Copenhagen off our list and move another 100km further. We end up at the most expensive place of our whole trip - Camping One in Holbaek. 2 nights for almost 120€.... Well, what can we do?! Free camping in Denmark is prohibited and will probably be strictly enforced. Visiting and searching for other places takes too many nerves. Overall, we had imagined the summer months differently... We decide to visit Erika and Berlinda after 2 nights, who are spending their big summer vacation on the North Sea in Denmark.


Malipoti amaulendo Denmark

Malipoti ochulukirapo oyenda