
Snow, snow, snow

Lofalitsidwa: 18.01.2024

Thankfully, last night wasn't as cold as predicted and in the morning we drive up the hill quite quickly with our snow chains. It snowed a little during the night, but the main streets are being cleared to some extent. I experienced a different kind of surprise when I went shopping in a supermarket on the way (still in Poland). The range is at least as huge as ours - the bread and a few small things can be found quickly and then... quickly to the checkout! But…. There are some cash registers available, none staffed… only the self-service cash registers! Some customers are already working there with the goods they have purchased. Ok, I think to myself, self-service checkout then! A quick look 😱 everything in Polish - incredibly long words that feel like they only consist of consonants - no other language possible. So guess! My experience with Spar in Graz benefits me. Somehow I find the right buttons and in the end the device accepts my credit card without any problems! Complete success in the morning drives away sorrow and worries!

We also overcome other difficulties such as snow drifts on the road, extremely heavy truck traffic and repeated heavy snowfall.

We have now arrived safely in Pärnu (Estonia) and will enjoy our first shower at the campsite, which is apparently only open for us (😉). So far there hasn't been one anywhere...

Since we are near the sea, it will be really warm tonight - we expect around -6°.

Tomorrow we want to drive to Tallinn and from there take the ferry to Helsinki.

