
The Drama of Lucy

Lofalitsidwa: 17.08.2024

Lucy’s neck is getting thicker and turning blue. In the morning it bursts open, and blood, water, and goo gush out like turning on a faucet. We rush back to the animal clinic, and it’s clear that we can’t avoid surgery. The diagnosis is salivary gland inflammation with mucoceles and fistula formation!

Right on time the next morning, we are at the clinic with a rental car featuring air conditioning, and with heavy hearts, we leave our little stinker there. The thermometer reads 41°, and our van waits in the shade. In the afternoon, we can pick her up again. She has a huge incision on her neck and looks like Frankenstein. In the air-conditioned car, we bring her back to the campsite and cool her down with wet towels. Now, it's a matter of observing her day and night and ensuring she doesn't scratch, as a bandage isn't possible at this point. We are already in Penacova for the third week because we don’t want to stress her out with travel in this heat.

Together with our friends Nicole and Karin, I go to the village festival in Penacova. It lasts five days here, and there are delicious things to eat. Great traditional music is played, and late at night, the younger crowd takes over with electronic beats booming until the early morning, reaching all the way to our spot by the river.

After 10 days, it’s time; the stitches will be removed. She bravely holds still, but after a few minutes, it all bursts open again. Huge amounts of wound fluid gush out. The doctor tries to use clamps, but by the time we are 30 km back at the campsite, those have also come undone. We rush back to the animal clinic, and it’s sewn up again. It has to be done quickly to ensure it holds, so stitching is done without anesthesia. The little one screams as if on a spit, and I am near tears by now. A disturbed dog and two disturbed humans head back to Penacova. Now, it’s waiting again for 10 days.

Fortunately, the weather is getting cooler, and after a few days, we decide to go back to the sea. With delightful 25°, the dogs finally romp along the beach again. Lucy also wants and needs to run again. The stitches hold, and Lucy is slowly getting fitter. We meet a nice family from Berlin and spend two evenings together enjoying delicious port wine. Dear Patrik, Anna, Amelie, and Finn, it was a pleasure meeting you. We really enjoyed our conversations. Take care.

We go to a campsite in Luso near the animal clinic and wait for the appointment to remove the stitches. Unfortunately, Lucy's neck is swelling again, and we hope that the wound will hold when the stitches come out.

On Monday, we drive to the animal clinic with a bad feeling. The neck is swollen thickly, and we are very afraid that she will have to be operated on again. Upon arrival at the clinic, Lucy refuses to go inside. The memories of last time are too terrible. Together with Amy, we bring her in. The doctor removes the stitches, and the wound holds! Then he punctures the neck again with a thick needle, and a lot of wound fluid flows out. We are actually discharged 😊. Now it’s cooling her down every day, but that’s no problem since she is handling it well and enjoying the special treatment.

Finally, after over two months, it is time for us to continue our journey. We head straight north, as friends from home are waiting for us there. We can hardly wait to meet them.

Two days later, the moment has arrived. We arrive in Belinho and finally see our friends from home again. We’ve known each other for 25 years, and the joy of seeing everyone again is immense. Christian, Miri, Samuel, Veith, my godchild Marley, and dog Momo 😊 it’s so wonderful that you’re here.

We spend a glorious week with beach walks, entertaining the kids, barbecuing, and relaxing.

A package comes from Germany with a new water pump, delicious sausages, and dark bread from my mother. Thank you very much, Mama and Fritz, for sending the package...again! Now we have running water in the van, and we are enthusiastically enjoying the delicious sausages and rye bread.

Lucy is getting fitter every day and already wants to chase rabbits again. The wound has healed well, and we are happy to finally have two healthy dogs again.

We stay one more day here at the campsite, as today a large festival is taking place. The Portuguese national holiday is being celebrated, and we now know that the Portuguese know how to party 😊. We are curious about what awaits us.
