Mexiko - Sag niemals "Nie"!
Mexiko - Sag niemals "Nie"!

Hoch hinaus ...

Lofalitsidwa: 19.07.2022

Ceresole Real is a fine hiking area dominated by Italy. Our 'Little Paradise' turned out to be a cozy insider tip. Nevertheless, we left Piedmont yesterday to find a corner where it's a bit cooler ... So it was a quiet day in the car and of course we went shopping too. Thanks to Michas hiking shoe, we had a good reason and Declathon quickly provided a replacement. The goal was Lake Como and there the climbing area above Lecco, so we squeezed through very narrow streets. Even as a passenger, I had sweaty hands and was very proud of my cool-headed driver. We found a great place to sleep and made a plan: Finally, we are going on a via ferrata again! ...yippee

Good morning! Checked the weather online ... oh dear!!! 32°C -> change of plans! But where to??? Rosengarten? ... meet friends in Carinthia after all? Allgäu? ... forget it!!! It's even hotter everywhere else and there's also the threat of days of rain - not good for us as vacationers. We decide to stick to the original plan and set off at 10 o'clock - uphill, downhill, uphill and finally into the via ferrata. 3 hours of climbing can make even the biggest climbing heart tired. Completely exhausted, we arrived back at the car at 6 o'clock. Our Vito was unharmed (small, yet to be overcome Turin trauma) and the beer in the freezer still somewhat drinkable, a self-made shower stall turned out to be the greatest joy on earth and the lentil salad was a lifesaver, the beer in the bar next door was hard-earned and the night surely won't be long in coming.


Malipoti amaulendo Italy