
Tag 291 - The Coloradas

E phatlaladitšwe: 08.01.2022

Hello, dear ones!

Our day started with a move ☺️

Just as we were about to leave our accommodation, the host approached us: We had been given the wrong room. Allegedly, it bothered the other guests to stay in a different room than the one booked. Okay, then we took our belongings and moved one door further. There are only two differences: Now we have two beds instead of one, and on this side, the neighbor can't look directly into the bathtub 😂

Hihihi, let's see how satisfied they are with our old accommodation when they notice that ☺️

After everything was moved, we finally set off for "The Coloradas". We had a two-hour drive ahead of us and once again we managed to almost completely empty the tank - there are simply no gas stations here in some places! From the moment our speedometer showed a range of 0 kilometers, we still drove another 40 kilometers to the gas station! But luckily everything went well and then the drive could continue in a relaxed manner (from that point on it was only 20 minutes ☺️).

When we arrived at our destination, we already saw them, the pink water fields. One had to take a guide to see the fields. Reluctantly, we booked one and were very surprised! Our guide was named Mario and he told us a whole lot of interesting things. For example, these pink fields are used to extract table salt by the company 'Sal Sol' and the water only changes color from a salt content of 80% or more. This is a reaction of the bacteria.

In addition, he told us a lot about the discovery of Yucatan (the district where we are staying) and about the Mayas. He himself is Mayan and explained some words in their language to us. We were completely new to the fact that Mayans do not speak Spanish, but have their own language. We showed him our tattoos and actually, they were symbols that he knew! Kevin's doesn't quite represent the monkey as we thought. His tattoo represents the line of origin - the beginning of everything. The monkey is a derivation of that, as it is supposed to be the origin of us humans. Mine means jaguar and stands for power and strength. It doesn't change the meaning of the tattoos for us, but it is good to know that we're not walking around with a symbol picture of a butt or something like that 😂.

On the way back, we did exactly what everyone at home would advise against: we parked our car on the side of the road and went on a search for crocodiles in the puddles. Do you remember the two idiots in Scotland (us) who searched half the country for seals? Today it was similar, just with crocodiles ☺️

And actually! We saw about four baby crocodiles! They were about 30 to 40 centimeters long and soooo cute! Unfortunately, we didn't manage to take a photo because the little ones are really shy.

After watching the baby crocodiles from a distance for a while, we headed back. The roads were really nice to drive on! Hardly any traffic, mostly good road surfaces, and with an amazing panoramic view of the landscape!

In our village, we made a stop at a small supermarket and bought something to eat.

We cooked spaghetti, took care of the pictures and the blog, and now we're splashing in the bathtub on the balcony and not doing anything at all ☺️

Take care and see you tomorrow! ☺️

Karabo (2)

Echt beeindruckend- wieder was dazugelernt😊


Dipego tša maeto Mexico