
Finally at the sea

E phatlaladitšwe: 09.12.2018

11th December 2018

Today is Paul's birthday. Finally...he has been counting the days. Yesterday we arrived in Padang Bai, a small fishing village on the east coast of Bali.

In Ubud, we stayed for a few more days and explored the area with a motorbike....Our tour took us past a lot of artful Hindu temples and through rice fields....At Goa Gajah "Elephant Cave", Paul "cleaned himself" 😉.... A little further in the sacred spring of Pura Tirta Empul, you could cleanse and strengthen yourself together with the locals....

Before we left Ubud, we took a nice hike through the rice fields.

The next day, we took a shuttle bus to the south to the seaside resort of Sanur. We had already found accommodation on the internet...unfortunately, we had bad luck with the taxi driver. It turned out that he was not a local and we drove around aimlessly for ages....In the end, everything turned out well and we found our bed. Thanks to the Bemo driver (public transportation in Sanur). It was already late afternoon. It was clear upon arrival in Sanur that we would not stay there long. Since this city stretches along the coast for several kilometers, it makes sense to rent a motorbike for a small amount of money. We had dinner in the evening at the Nightmarket at so-called "Warungs" (small snack stands). We spent one day at the beach in Sanur before continuing to Padang Bai. We have accommodation with a pool... the greatest for Paul. Today, we are spending Paul's birthday here....there was also a birthday table 🎂🌺.... and tomorrow we will take the ferry to the neighboring island of Lombok.

@ Zwergenschule (Dwarf School): Paul misses you very much. He always asks what you are doing. Greetings from Paul

PS: Oh by the way....a "holiday card" to everyone: Weather is good. There is occasional rain, but it is warm. Food is great. People are very friendly. And traveling is exhausting, but fun. So far, we have spent about 4.5 million 😊.

PSS: We will contact you again from Lombok. There is WIFI almost everywhere, but sometimes the connection is not so good.


Karabo (5)

Lieber Paul, von uns alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag!!! Mach für uns ne Arschbombe in den Pool....

Vom Schwedenhaus natürlich auch noch alles gute nachträglich an Paul ;). Da solltet ihr bei den Ausgaben von 4,5 Mille nach den paar Tagen aber mal euer Konsumverhalten prüfen... ;)

Hallo ihr Lieben, Die zwegenschule, Marion und ich wünschen alles alles Gute nachträglich zum Geburtstag. Das sind ja tolle Bilder. Wir sind ein wenig neidisch. Hier ist es sehr kalt und meist regnet es. Bis bald.

Hallo lieber Paul ❤ .... ich wünsche dir auch von Herzen alles Liebe zu deinem Geburtstag..... ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen wie sehr du dich auf deinen ganz besonderen Tag gefreut hast..... es ist immer schön von euch allen etwas zu lesen und eure Fotos anzuschauen ..... für mich steht schon jetzt fest das ich euch nächstes Jahr wieder Besuche.... zu schön waren die Std bei euch .... und Paul? ich werde dich mit Wasserbomben platt machen 😂 .... Fühlt euch ganz lieb umarmt und bin gespannt auf den nächsten Tagebucheintrag 😘

Euch allen vielen Dank für die lieben Glückwünsche 😊. Wir freuen uns immer sehr über eure "Kommentare". @ Heike: die Revanche ist angenommen 👍 LG von Gili Gede LPK

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