
Adventurous Hungary with challenges

E phatlaladitšwe: 23.10.2018

Now we have been cycling for over three weeks and we are currently in southern Hungary. We haven't been making much progress in the last few days because Jakob's rear tire cannot withstand the strain twice and we are doing everything we can to repair the tire. And despite helpful Hungarians, nothing helps, we have to visit a bicycle workshop. However, the next day is Sunday, so we have to 'endure' a day in our tent before we can push the 4 kilometers to the bike shop. But the 'endurance' turns out not to be so bad, because while wind and rain swirl around our tent, we cozy up in our sleeping bag and watch a series or read a book. The next morning, a shepherd comes to our tent with his staff and talks to us grumpily in Hungarian. At first, we think he is angry that we are camping on his land, but with a translation app, we find out that he is just curious and he gives us tips on where to repair the tire. He also wants to have a sip of schnapps, but unfortunately, we cannot offer him any. Equipped with a new tire, 2 spare tubes, tools, and repair patches, we are back on the Danube cycle path and the problem seems to be solved. We still have 270 km ahead of us that we have to cycle by Sunday. The legs don't get any lighter, but the weather gods are still on our side.

After spending three days exploring Budapest and visiting a spa to recharge our batteries, we have now spent four nights wild camping. Since this is very noticeable and our clothes urgently need to be washed again, we have stayed in a small hostel in Baja tonight. Unfortunately, today is Hungarian National Day and all the shops are closed. Now we have to see if we can find something to eat or if we will have oats with water for dinner.

It is very interesting to cycle through the small and sometimes poor villages of Hungary and get an insight into the rural life of the Hungarians. They all seem to own a dog and you are greeted or chased away loudly at every fence. Soon we will leave Hungary and discover Croatia. We are looking forward to visiting Jakob's family in the holiday home in Ceric.

Karabo (2)

Hört sich sehr abenteuerlich und spannend an. Wir freuen uns auch auf euch. :)

Hey, heute hab ich mich mal wieder mit Jules getroffen. Er hat mir dann euren Blog gezeigt und ich hab mir dann direkt das Vergnügen gemacht eure Bilder anzusehen und die Texte zu lesen. Ich freue mich schon darauf mehr zu sehen . Liebe Grüße aus Freiburg

Hungary ya
Dipego tša maeto Hungary ya