
Ha Giang Loop

E phatlaladitšwe: 05.05.2019

When we arrived in Ha Giang, we heard about the so-called Loop for the first time, a 500km long route through the mountains in northern Vietnam, which you can travel by motorcycle.

We were quickly excited about the idea and decided to rent a motorcycle and start our journey the next day. In the evening, we had a few beers. Then the guide came to us and said that Klara should ride alone so that everyone would have their own bike, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get to the mountains. That meant Klara, who had never ridden before, was taught how to ride at 10pm with a certain level of alcohol. The guides only said that there would be no police at this time. Fortunately, everything went well, so Klara could ride on her own.

The next day, we set off with 10 other people from our homestay. It was really fun to ride and we got faster over time. The landscape was breathtaking, we have never seen anything like it before. We wanted to stop every few meters and enjoy the scenery. However, we had to cover our 100km per day in order to arrive in the town in the evening.

The evenings were always super fun, because we always got free "happy water" along with the family dinner. We met many lovely people with whom we spent these evenings together.

Oh and we also went to China haha, as the road runs directly along the Chinese border, we decided to take the opportunity and hop over the border for a moment.

Throughout the whole route, we passed through many small villages, all the women were wearing traditional colorful clothing and working in the rice fields. It's really incredible how far these women can go with baskets filled with rice on their backs. The children of the villages waved at us and gave us high fives.

The Loop was by far the most breathtaking experience of the entire trip, the feeling of freedom on the bike, the landscape, and all the lovely people we spent time with.

By the way, on the last evening we met Maxi and Jonas (also Germans), with whom we decided to continue our journey together...

Karabo (2)

Hallo ihr zwei Weltenbummler, sehr schöne und beeindruckende Fotos von eurer großen Reise 👍 Weiterhin viel Spaß, passt auf euch auf und wir freuen uns auch schon sehr auf euch hier in Schildgen 😘
